A 1984 scrapbook…


Basketball Season.  What a great time rooting for Ronnie, Joey, Karl and Fred.  I lived and died with them.

That comeback at Hilliard will remain the most thrilling ballgame I’ve ever witnessed.  Karl Brown had 52 steals in 5 seconds.

There were lots of 80s.  The four was the important distinction.


Homecoming 1984.  I appeared to have had a date.  Liz must have felt sorry for me.

These are why I was not listed under “scholarship winners” in the commencement book…

Notice that Motley Crue was still so unknown that their name was misspelled on the ticket.


Jenny Smith, apparently not paying attention in class.                            

The dreaded student ID.  Mine was always lost and you couldn’t get into dances without them.


The lunch gang…courtesy of Bob Seymour no doubt.   Dig those haircuts.  Did I have a mullet?



Senior Skating party at the Skate-a-way.  About to “duck race”?   I hated rental skates.

Contestants seem to include:

Shawn Seymour&Chris Raines vs. Me&David Bayless  vs. Seth Woods&??? Vs. Gordon Stanley&Phil Stewart

The only thing I can’t remember about High School was school itself.  I wish I would have paid attention.

I was getting a C in Quest class??  Why was I taking Computer Programming II? 


Souvenirs from the Sadie Hawkins Dance (Concert). Wow that was LOUD!  Mr. Hughes was not happy with Rosie's Carl Sherlor's “colorful” use of the English language, but for many of the kids from the south side of town, like myself, this was best thing that happened at CHS in four years. One guy told me he didn't drop out just so he could go to the show. The Zep medley at the end of the show was a highlight of my years at CHS. Picks: Mark Chatfield and Ed Means of Rosie.  Mark Chatfield was recently on VH1 playing at the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame induction playing guitar for Bob Seger in the Silver Bullet Band (or some incarnation thereof).  Only the class of 1984 had rock stars at their dances!


This is the cover from the banquet…I was not voted biggest flirt, as some people seem to think. 

My mom’s van had rice in it for months.

Sweetheart Swirl.  “Send Her My Love”?  All our dances had some bad Journey song for a ‘theme’. 


Senior Picnic flier.  I have absolutely no recollection of this.  Maybe I fell in the lake or bumped my head on a rock.  My car probably broke down and I didn’t’ go.


Souvenirs from Commencement.  And then we were “out the door” in 1984