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Dr. Steven M. Graves

Course Contract

In order to avoid misunderstandings regarding attendance and academic misconduct, each student in Dr. Graves' courses are required to acknowledge that he or she understands the rules which govern the courses in which he or she is enrolled.   

By entering a code number below I, the student, agree that I have read, understand and agree with the following statements:

Some courses have writing assignments.  Students in those courses must also agree to the following:

Writing Guidelines

The code that I am submitting today will be used by Dr. Graves to identify me on the more subjective course assignments. 
I also understand that I can monitor my progress in the course, as well as Dr. Graves’ accuracy in recording grades by checking my grade on-line where I can find my grade by reference to the code that I'm submitting below.
I make up this code.  
I will not forget the code.
I will check my grade once a week.

Student Name

Course (pick one from drop down list)

Student Email

Four Digit Code (created by the student and used by the student to hand in assignments and check grades).



On the left navigation bar, you'll find links that take you to web pages designed for courses I teach, plus some information about my research and service activities.

If you need to contact me, my email, postal and electronic addresses can all be found at the bottom of the left-hand navigation bar.

C.S.U.N. Seal About Dr. Graves | Site Map | Contact Dr. Graves | ©2003 Steven M. Graves - Geography Department, California State University - Northridge