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Geography 497 F

Skills Labs

Image: Compass and Map Icon

Skills Labs

The links below contain sample labs that students in this course may or may not use in the course of the semester.


Table of Skills Labs Links
Lab Name Lab Description Link
Crime Data Gathering   Click Here
Census Data Downloading   Click Here
Address Geocoding   Click Here
Joining Excel Data to ArcMap   Click Here
Descriptive Statistics  

Click Here

Regression (Los Angeles Data)   Click Here
Regression (Seattle and Payday Lenders)   Click Here
Average Nearest Neighbor   Click Here
Kernal Density Smoothing   Click Here
Joining Data Spatially   Click Here
Getis-Ord Testing   Click Here
Gorr Kurland+   Click Here
Geocoding with Google Drive - Docs   Click Here


C.S.U.N. Seal About Dr. Graves | Site Map | Contact Dr. Graves | ©2003 Steven M. Graves - Geography Department, California State University - Northridge