Course Description: An examination of California, focusing on its political, social, and economic growth, its settlement, its population patterns, resource exploitation, and human-environment interaction. The spatial and temporal variation of these factors is emphasized. (Cross-listed with HIST 417.)
PREREQUISITES: Available to members of Blended Single Subject Credential Program only.
Required Materials: Readings are available on-line via Moodle.
Classroom Activities: Classroom time will be devoted to lecture and discussion. If students are prepared to discuss and debate course content, then there will be less lecture and more discussion. We may also watch videos, welcome guest lecturers, engage in on-line, Geographic Information Systems or other computer-oriented exercises. Students are also encouraged to suggest learning tools, strategies, or exercises. I really welcome student input.
Course Schedule: The course schedule is posted on line via Moodle. It is subject to occasional updates and changes as circumstances warrant and only in consultation with the students in the course. You will be notified of such changes via classroom announcement or email and given an opportunity to protest any changes.
Attendance: Attendance is the most important component of good grades. I expect students to attend every class. You owe it to yourself, to taxpayers and to whomever else pays for your education to attend regularly. Students with poor attendance habits should not take this course. If you have medical or personal issues that demand your absence, please contact Dr. Graves before or immediately after the class or assignment you miss. In certain circumstances, a student must miss an extended period of time, you should arrange to drop the course or make special arrangements with Dr. Graves. Sympathy is not granted to those who appear late in the semester with excuses for their absences or poor performance.
Late assignments are accepted only if students have made arrangements and presented an acceptable reason for an exception.
Evaluation: Students will be evaluated by a variety of evaluation tools, including multiple choice exams and quizzes, writing assignments, quizzes, on-line exercises, etc. Students will be evaluated on their ability to demonstrate basic knowledge/comprehension of the subject matter as well as the ability to apply critical thinking skills to the subject matter. You will be asked to evaluate issues, apply your knowledge in novel situations and synthesize multiple points. Listed below are the intended learning outcomes for this course, as well as the evaluation and assessment tools used in the class to measure your success.
Academic Dishonesty and Cheating
There is a zero tolerance policy in this course for cheating and plagiarism. You are asked to sign a "course contract" on the first day of the course to attest to your full comprehension of my policies regarding academic dishonesty.
In addition, the university has broader policies on a variety of academic honesty and cheating, as well as other issue of importance.
See the following policy:
Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities must register with the Center on Disabilities and complete a services agreement each semester. Staff within the Center will verify the existence of a disability based on the documentation provided and approve accommodations. Students who are approved for testing taking accommodations must provide a proctor form to their faculty member signed by a counselor in the Center on Disabilities prior to making testing arrangements. The Center on Disabilities is located in Bayramian Hall, room 110. Staff can be reached at (818) 677-2684.
Other campus-wide disclosures are available at:
Tentative Grading Regime*
1. On-line Practice Map Quizzes (3) - 5%
On-line Quizzes (9 to 15 total), - 10%
In Class Map Quizzes (3) - 10 %
Exercises, Labs and Writing Assignments (4-5) - 25%
In Class Quizzes (10-15) - 50%
6. Assessment quiz, participation, attendance - 1 to 5%
*Subject to class approved changes as needed. Any changes will occur only after the class has been notified in writing and afforded an opportunity to object to or veto any changes.
Tentative Grade Scale: A = (90-100%); B = (80-89%); C = (70-79%); D = (60-69%); F = (59% or less).
Pluses are awarded at the upper end of the scale, minuses are used only in exceptional circumstances.