CSUN NSF Teaching Fellowship Program
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CSUN NSF Teaching Fellowship Program
Travel Reimbursement Information

When you travel using funds from the CSUN NSF Teaching Fellowship Program, you must save and submit original receipts for:

  • parking
  • taxi, airfare (or other transportation)
  • registration fees
  • hotel expenses

When in doubt, keep and submit original receipts!

Reimbursement Rates

  • Meal reimbursement is no longer separated into amounts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The reimbursement of daily meal expenses will be based on actual amounts incurred subject to a $55 per day maximum meal reimbursement cap. Receipts are required for expenses of $25 or more.
  • Incidentals: $7.00 for each 24-hour period
  • Mileage: $0.54 per mile (you must submit the car license plate number and a mapquest printout which shows the route and total (shortest) distance traveled)

Meals will not be reimbursed for business travel less than 24 hours, unless the travel includes an “overnight stay” as supported by a lodging receipt. Under no circumstances will expenses for lunch be reimbursed for travel of less than 24 hours. Itemized receipts and proof of payment are required for expenses of $25 or more.

Please complete and sign the Travel Expense Claim form and submit (original, no copies allowed) with receipts to Prof. Evans (directly in her Math Dept. mail box or send to the address listed below) within two weeks of the conference/workshop/other program end.

For further information, see the Travel Expense Claim Form Instructions.

Professor Kellie Evans
Department of Mathematics
18111 Nordhoff Street
California State University, Northridge
Northridge, CA 91330-8313


Department of Mathematics
California State University, Northridge
Phone: 818-677-2721