Junior-Year Integrated Mathematics Teacher Credential Program
Mathematics BA and Preliminary Single Subject Credential in Mathematics

What is JYI-Math?

JYI-Math begins in the junior year and integrates undergraduate subject matter knowledge with teacher education content. A JYI-Math student earns a Bachelor's degree and a preliminary California teaching credential in Mathematics in two (or more) years.

JYI-Math is designed for juniors who have completed the lower division general education requirements and the lower division core of the math major with sufficient grades (see below). The program includes field experiences in middle and high school classrooms beginning the first semester, preparation to teach in culturally diverse classrooms, university faculty dedicated to teaching in the program, specialized academic and professional advisement, and a socially and academically supportive environment.

Is JYI-Math for you?

JYI-Math is designed for community college transfer students and CSUN juniors who have completed all lower division general education courses and all lower division math core courses, with a GPA of at least 2.6 in all courses in the major and no major course grade lower than a C. The program can be completed in one summer and two years if a student is qualified and commits to full-time study. It can also be completed at a slower pace. It is a partially cohorted or non-cohorted program for full-time or part-time students.

How to Become a JYI-Math Student

In order to become a JYI-Math student, you must first complete all lower division general education courses and all lower division math core courses, with a GPA of at least 2.6 in all courses in the major and no major course grade lower than a C. You must also apply to CSUN's Credential Program. In order to apply to the Credential Program, you must first view an online Credential Information Session where you will be given details about the application process (you should view the info session AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, at least one semester prior to becoming a JYI-Math student). A link to this online information session (and, when available, dates and times of campus info sessions) is here. (Select Single Subject Information Session.)

Information for Transfer Students

If you are transferring to CSUN from another university and have questions about this process, please go to the College of Science and Mathematics Student Services Center/EOP website to view a presentation for transfer students and/or to obtain detailed advisement information for new CSUN students.

For JYI-Math required courses and other details, follow the links:

Click here if you entered Fall 2011 or later

Click here if you entered Fall 2008 through Spring 2011

Click here if you entered prior to Fall 2008

Lower Division Core, Math Major:
Math 150A, Calculus I
Math 150B, Calculus II
Math 250, Calculus III
Math 262, Introduction to Linear Algebra
Comp 106/L (or 110/L), Computing in Engineering and Science and Lab (or Intro to Algorithms and Programming and Lab)
Phys 220A/L, Mechanics and Lab
Phil 230, Introduction to Formal Logic I

Funding Opportunities

There are many programs, scholarships, and loan programs available to students interested in teaching careers. For example:

CSUN's Robert Noyce Scholarships provide up to $10,000 per year. Noyce Scholarships are for junior and senior mathematics majors who are preparing to become secondary teachers and have GPAs of at least 2.8 in in the last 30 semester units. The program also supports single subject math credential students. For more information and application instructions, visit CSUN's Robert Noyce Scholarship website.

The Assumption Program of Loans for Education (APLE) provides up to $19,000 in assumption of educational loans for students planning to teach mathematics or science. Juniors, seniors and credential students are eligible. For more information about APLE, visit the website: http://aple.csusuccess.org/scholarship.

For additional scholarship and loan possibilities, inquire at CSUN's Financial Aid and Scholarship Department.

This page was updated: August 2011.

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