Application Materials for Master Teaching Fellows
1. Application Form.
2. A written statement that describes your mathematics background, teaching experience and philosophy, and experiences in or ideas about teacher leadership. In particular, you should describe your experience implementing and modeling effective teaching practices and, if applicable, how you have taken a leadership role in your school or other educational community.
3. College transcripts (unofficial are acceptable).
4. Copy of valid passing scores from the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) Mathematics Subject Matter
Exam Parts I-III (or dates you plan to take the exams).
GRE subject matter or Praxis exams may be used instead,
with approval of the
screening committee.
5. Copy of valid single subject mathematics teaching credential.
6. Two letters of recommendation sent to the address
below. The letters should be from administrators or college professors
who can assess your mathematical and teaching strengths, and, if
applicable, your leadership.
The materials above should be sent to:
Department of Secondary Education
ATTN: CSUN NSF Teaching Fellowship Program
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8265
Note: Applicants for the CSUN NSF Master Teaching
Fellowship must also apply to the Subject
Specialist-Mathematics Master's Degree Program (application materials
for the master's and MTF programs may be mailed to the Secondary Education
Department in the same envelope). To apply for the master's program,
you must complete a
application and must also apply to California State
University, Northridge through the Admissions Office. Note that official transcripts are required for the University application. |