Plenty of Pareto-isms: a list of miss-distributions please suggest others or rewordings, to: 20% of the people (youth) cause 80% of the auto accidents 20 percent of the people (youth, poor) smoke 80 percent of the cigarettes. 20% of the people (poor mainly) buy 80% of the lottery tickets 20% of the population is responsible for 80% of the pollution 80% of the cost of a building is spent on 20% of the structure 80% of the firearms are used by 20% of the people 80% of the resources of a library are used by 20% of the population 80% of the web surfing is done by 20% of the population 20% of the web sites accout for 80% of the hits 20% of the companies control 80% of the action 20% of the population (exhibitionists?) entertain 80% of the population (voyeurs?) 20% of the employees (managers) control 80% of the employees (workers) 80% of the cars have 20% of their seats occupied 80% of the employees spend 20% of their time surfing the web 80% of the surfing is done on 20% of the web sites 20% of the people pay 80 % of the taxes 80% of the highway accidents occur along 20% of the path traveled (near home) 80% of the household accidents occur in 20% of the places in the home (kitchens) 80% of the prisoners come from 20% of the population (minorities) 80% of the cell phone calls are made by 20% of the population 80% of the harassment is done by 20% of the people 20% of my fingers do 80% of my typing... gt 20% of men would sleep with 80% of women 80% of women would sleep with 20% of men... DC 20% of your slacking off, affects 80% of the outcome. AL 80% of the tools are used 20% of the time 20% of the tools are used 80% of the time 80% of the time we use 20% of the tools