the midterm exam will take place on Tue. March 17th during regular class time at our usual location, JR202. You are allowed to bring one page (one side of an 8.5 x 11 in. sheet of paper) with notes. No calculators. Here is a review sheet with practice problems.
an online submission system has been created for the course, you can access it here
class starts on Tues., Jan. 20th
open lab hours
9.00 - 10.50 and 2.00 - 2.50 |
9.00 - 1.50 and 4.00 - 5.20 |
9.00 - 11.50 and 2.00 - 2.50 |
9.00 - 10.50 and 4.00 - 5.20 |
9.00 - 3.50 |
meeting times and office hours
lecture: Tu 5.30 - 7.20 at JR 202
computer lab: Th 5.30 - 7.20 at JR 254
office hours: Tu 11.00 - 12.30 at SN 125, Th 11.00 - 12.30 at JR 254
about the course
course overview. This course explores some of the fundamental mathematical concepts and algorithms for computer animation and scientific data visualization. It is intended to provide students with a solid background on techniques from scientific computation, signal processing, linear algebra, and geometry that are commonly employed for character modeling and rendering, and to introduce them to software applications for digital animation that are built upon these concepts.
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Computer animation is an eclectic science that uniquely combines fields of knowledge as diverse as mathematics, computer science, fine art, classical animation, physics, or anatomy. Its applications are diverse, ranging from motion pictures and games to medicine and scientific simulation.
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pre-requisites: MATH 481A or MATH 381/L or ME 309
required text:
reference texts:
I have placed some of the following texts on reserve at the library
the Essential Blender, edited by Roland Hess, wikibooks
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, 2nd Ed., by Fletcher Dunn, Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Computer Animation: Algorithms & Techniques, 2nd Ed., by Richard Parent, Morgan-Kaufman
The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, 3rd Ed., by Isaac Kerlow, Wiley
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro, by several authors/contributors, wikibooks
course materials (lecture notes, lab notes, slides, etc.)
grading policy
Written homework will be assigned and collected in class (and posted here) each week on Tuesday. Students may work together in groups and discuss the homework problems with each other, but each student should write up and submit their own solutions. The homework should be written neatly. Please staple the sheets together. Some homeworks will be submitted and collected online.
computer labs
Programming assignments will be handed (and posted here) following each computer lab on Thursday and collected the following Thurs. Typically, these assignments will consist of a list of problems -related to the topics discussed in class and lab that week- to be solved using matlab and/or some modeling/rendering tasks to be performed with pixie or blender. While group work is encouraged, each student is expected to write his/her own code and to submit a report with his/her own results and conclusions. Lab assignments will be submitted and collected online.
Here are some links to online materials and references relevant to the course. If you know of anything worth posting here, please email it to me.
math and scientific computing |
matlab |
software for 3D graphics |
UNIX / Linux |
3D graphics and sci. visualization |
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