| - Actors (May Subd Geogr) [PN2205-PN2217]
- Here are enter general works on both men and women actors collectively, works on both men and women stage actors collectively and works on individual stage
actors. Works on men actors collectively are entered under Men actors. Works on women actors collectively are entered under Actresses. Works on actors, collectively or individually, specializing in particular media ar
e entered under the appropriate specific heading, e.g. Television actors and actresses, with an additional heading for Men actors or Actresses, if necessary.
- Clothing and dress [GT500-2350]
- Here are entered works on clothing from the standpoint of utility as a covering for the body, and works on the art of dress. Works on clothing of particular places or periods as well as costume for
the theater, movies or special occasions, e.g. court receptions, carnivals, masquerades, etc. are enter under Costume.
- Female Impersonators (May Subd Geog)
- Here are entered works on men impersonating women. Works on women impersonating men are entered under the heading Male impersonators. Works on persons, especially males, who a
ssume the dress of the opposite sex for psychological gratification are entered under Transvestites.