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An anti-authoritarian weekly bulletin of news and humor from Seattle.

EAT THE STATE! is a shamelessly biased political journal. We want an end to poverty, exploitation, imperialism, militarism, racism, sexism, heterosexism, environmental destruction, television, and large ugly buildings, and we want it fucking now. We are not affiliated with any political group or party. We publish EAT THE STATE! as a way of sharing information, resources, opinions, and hopefully inspiring ACTION in our community. Please help!

EAT THE STATE! is published and distributed each Tuesday in Western Washington. We welcome articles, tips, letters, comments, and feedback. Write us at EAT THE STATE!, P.O. Box 85541, Seattle WA 98145; or email

EAT THE STATE! is edited by Geov Parrish; layout and production assistance is provided by Northwest Forest Action Group, Nonviolent Action Community of Cascadia, and Catalytic Communications. All rights are cast to the wind; feel free to reproduce. We'd appreciate it if you credit us, and let us know, when you quote or reprint our stuff.

Subscriptions by mail to EAT THE STATE! are available for $13 for 26 weeks or $24 for one year. E-mail subscriptions in text-only format are free. Donations are welcome; if you value publications like EAT THE STATE!, support us, because we're always money-hemorrhaging propositions. We are supported in part by donations from readers like you, and in part from redirection of resisted federal taxes donated by people who in conscience refuse to willingly pay for militarism and class warfare. We accept paid advertising only from enterprises which actively work to further our goals of a vibrant, decentralized, free society. The more bucks we get in donations and ads, the more copies we can print and the sooner we can go to eight pages a week, so give it up!

EAT THE STATE! is also distributed free at numerous outlets in Western Washington; write or e-mail for the location nearest you. And we'll have a web site really, really soon, honest, with back issues and our famous mission statement. Stay tuned for further instructions.

| Ben's Alternative News Resources |

Posted as a public service to the anti-authoritarian community by Ben Attias
Last Update: 4:09 AM on Sunday, October 6, 1996.

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