Institutionalization of Cultural Studies

Call for Papers and Contributions

for a Special Issue

on the Institutionalization of Cultural Studies

The editors propose a special issue of _Cultural Studies_ on the question of the institutionalization of cultural studies in the academy.

It is obvious that many colleges and universities, journals and publishers are moving, in a variety of ways, to locate themselves within the field of cultural studies. A number of universities already have programs in cultural studies and even more are just beginning or in the planning stage, although these vary widely. Some have curricular responsibilities at either the undergraduate of graduate level; some offer majors and degrees, while others function as interdisciplinary supplements to existing degree programs. Some are purely involved in encouraging and supporting interdisciplinary activities and scholarship. The status of these programs, as well as their official designation, varies widely. Some are funded by their home institutions while others have received foundation grants to support their activities. Finally, different programs, although united in their commitment to cultural studies, define cultural studies very differently, some narrowly and others more broadly.

We would like this issue to serve two distinct yet related functions: first, as a source of information about existing or planned programs; and second, as a forum for discussion about different strategies for institutionalizing cultural studies and the significance of different strategies for the project of cultural studies itself. We are particularly concerned that this issue be as international as possible.

We invite people involved in any existing or planned program in cultural studies to submit a description of the program. This description should include such things as: the operating definition of cultural studies; the range of activities and responsibilities; institutional forms and powers; sources of funding; a brief history; participating departments and/or faculty; contact address; etc. We will publish these as a resource, both to help create an internatinal network of cultural studies programs, and as a guide for others hoping to create such programs. If your own institution has such a program or is planning such a program, we would appreciate hearing from you. If you know of other institutions which should be included, please pass this call on to them or contat us and we will send them a copy. We will endeavor to update this list on a regular basis.

Furthermore, we invite interested people to submit essays on the challenges and dangers of institutionalizing cultural studies. We are hoping that the issue of the journal can address a wide range of viewpoints, including different expectations, attempts, and experiences with institutionalizing cultural studies. Such essays might reflect on the history of the formation of specific programs, or on the politics of the specific forms and strategies of institutionalization, or they might address more general themes of interest to cultural studies scholars.

Submissions should be sent to:

Professors Lawrence Grossberg and Della Pollock

_Cultural Studies_

Department of Communication Studies

CB# 3285, 113 Bingham Hall

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3285

**Deadline for submissions: January 1997**

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