`t h i r t y s o m e t h i n g'

australian feminist legacies, geneaologies & futures

an interdisciplinary conference sponsored by
The Institute for Women's Studies
Macquarie University
Sydney Australia

20-23 February 1997

Where were you when The Female Eunuch was published?

Don't like the question? Maybe this is the conference for you...

Sessions include: the possibility of generational feminism lavendar/lipstick/leather oedipal issues: killing mother theoretical generations . . on welfare female relations mothers of sons orphans my stepmother was a cyborg from nursing mothers to nipple rings mother tongues_NESB women & representation the ageing body of feminism the F-Word generation XX and more. . .

If you'd like to receive conference updates please copy the section below, complete it and send it as an e-mail message to Bbarnett@pip.engl.mq.edu.au We will put you on our mailing list.

I'd like to:

___ attend the conference (please register before 1 Dec.)

___ present a paper (Abstracts due by 1 December.)

___ propose a session/discussion panel

Name: Organisation: Address: Post Code: Phone: Fax: E-mail:

Registration Fees

Waged Participants: $135

Unwaged Participants/Students: $70

Advanced Purchase Discount:

Before 1 December 1996 $15

Before 31 January 1997 $10

Waged Participants Single day: $70

Unwaged Participants/Students: Single day: $40

No discount on single day fee.

Please make cheques payable to Macquarie University.

Lunch on Friday and Saturday, as well as morning and afternoon tea during the conference is included in this cost.

For more information, contact Wendy Waring, Director Institute for Women's Studies +61 (02) 850 7684 fax: +61 (02) 850 7686 wendy.waring@mq.edu.au


Mary Spongberg Modern History, HPP +61 (02) 850 8887 mspongbe@ocs1.ocs.mq.edu.au Macquarie University North Ryde 2109 Sydney NSW Australia

"When I dare to be powerful--to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."

-----Audre Lorde

Dr Wendy Waring
+61 (2) 850 7684
Director, Institute
FAX: 850 7686 for Women's Studies Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109 Australia

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These pages maintained by Ben Attias
Please send comments, suggestions, etc. to hfspc002@csun.edu