*** Media technology and theory ***

|          *** CALL FOR PAPERS ***
|     Please cut and paste to other lists
|    *** Media technology and theory ***
| For Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
| For Volume 3 No. 2 of the Journal (Summer 1997) we are seeking papers
| relating to research projects or case studies on media technology and
| theory.  Papers addressing the work of people such as Deleuze and
| Guattari, Paul Virilio, Donna Harroway, Pierre Levy etc. in the context
| of developments in the field of new media/digital technologies would be
| welcome. The issue will be guest-edited by Andrew Murphie, Macquarie
| University, Sydney, Australia.
| Submission deadline for this issue is 30 October 1996.
| Convergence is a refereed academic journal which addresses the
| creative, social, political and pedagogical issues raised by the advent
| of new media technologies.  As a research journal it provides a
| forum  both for monitoring and exploring developments and for publishing
| vital research.  Published quarterly in paper form and adopting an
| inter-disciplinary approach Convergence will develop this area into an
| entirely new research field.  The principal aims of Convergence are:
| o       to develop critical frameworks and methodologies which enable the
| reception, consumption and impact of new technologies to be evaluated in
| their domestic, public and educational contexts
| o       to contextualise the study of those new technologies within existing
| debates in media studies, and to address the specific implications of
| the increasing convergence of media forms
| o       to monitor the conditions of emergence of new media technologies,
| their subsequent mass production and the development of new cultural
| forms
| o       to promote discussion and analysis of the creative and educational
| potentials of those technologies, and to contextualise those cultural
| practices within wider cultural and political debates.
| The Editorial Board
| Australia: Rebecca Coyle (Macquarie University), Ross Harley (University
| of New South Wales), Philip Hayward (Macquarie University), Canada: Sara
| Diamond, (Banff Centre for the Arts). UK: Roy Ascott (CAIIA, Gwent
| College of Higher Education), Robin Baker (Ravensbourne College of
| Design and Communication), Colin Beardon (University of Brighton), Luke
| Hockley (University of Luton), Sadie Plant (University of Birmingham ).
| USA: Jay David Bolter (Georgia Institute of Technology), Joseph Foley
| (Independent Consultant), George Landow (Brown University), Margaret
| Morse (University of California Santa Cruz).
| Our aims are supported by: Will Bell (The Arts Council of England), Mike
| Crump (Centre for the Book, British Library), David Hancock (Eurimages).
| Proposals for articles or completed papers should be sent to: Julia
| Knight or Alexis Weedon, Editors, Convergence, School of Media Arts,
| University of Luton, 75 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AJ, United Kingdom.
| Tel: +44 1582 34111, fax: + 44 1582 489014, email:
| Convergence@luton.ac.uk
| __________________________
| Alexis Weedon
| p-mail Alexis.Weedon@luton.ac.uk
| Department of Media Arts, University of Luton, 75 Castle Street
| Luton, Beds LU1 3AJ. UK. tel +44 (0)1582 489031 fax +44 (0)1582 489014
| __________________________

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