Speech Communication 444
Course-Related Information Available on the World Wide Web

This is a brief collection of resources for students in this course. There are many other useful resources available on the World Wide Web, and I will add some here periodically throughout the semester, so check back again for updates.

Have a resource you'd like to see added here? Post it to the Interactive Study Guide!

Watching the Media: The Media Oligopoly: Alternative Information Sources: American Government Sites: Noam Chomsky on the web: Stauber and Rampton on the Web: Theoretical Resources for students: 1996 Election Resources: General Election Resources: Hidden From History: Television Worth Watching:
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This page maintained by Ben Attias
Last Update: 1:14:24 PM on Sunday, September 1, 1996.

Please Send Comments, Suggestions, etc. to hfspc002@csun.edu