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Useful Links: This will probably always be a construction site. Proceed at your own risk. Last update: August 4, 2007

Comments and suggestions are most welcome:heidemarie.lundblad@csun.edu

Topic Description Link
Student information At this site you find out about yourself (your CSUN record, that is) and many other important things csun web portal (solar)
General Accounting Information - News Often very interesting up to date articles
Student Accounting Association AA
Organizations Beta Alpha Psi  BAY
  You may find the following web site interesting:, a web site especially for you! A variety of information and you can even win prizes! Check it out!  Accounting Students
Specific Accounting Go to the source: The FASB. Current projects, full text and summaries of standards, etc. FASB
Information  Lot's of interesting information, check out the Report of the Special Committee AICPA
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission: What it is and what it does. For example, read all about it: The 33 and 34 Acts now online! SEC 
  A direct link to the SEC's Edgar (corporate information) data base (10ks, etc., etc.) Edgar
Help with COBAE Computer Center computer labs
technology at CSUN ITR technology resources, training, etc. Technology Resources
CSUN Training Schedules (Net, Nexis-Lexis, excel, word, etc. Schedules


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