Class E-mail Lists

What are class lists?

Class e-mail lists are a new convenient way for you to keep in contact with the students in your class. Class lists leverage the power of the MajorDomo mailing list system which you may have used in the past, except these lists are updated automatically so you do not have to update them yourself!

Your class list(s) are automatically created for you with your personal CSUN e-mail address, and the CSUN e-mail address of every student enrolled in your class. Your list(s) will automatically be updated weekly (each Sunday until census) to reflect the current enrollment of your class(es); so there is no need for you to maintain your list(s). In the future, we will provide you with the ability to add non-class members such as a colleague or student assistant to your list(s) so that they can also receive email sent to your list(s).

For your list(s) to be effective, all of your students must activate their campus email account and monitor their email. Students may activate their campus email by logging into myNorthridge ( If students would prefer to receive campus email to a non-campus email account such as Yahoo or Hotmail, they may configure mail-forwarding to that account via the account maintenance web site (

To minimize the potential of your list(s) receiving spam, we have configured it to be a "closed" list. As a closed list, only members of the list may post messages to it. Consequently, your students may send email to this list using only their campus email address.

Using Your Class Lists

Your class e-mail lists can be utilized by sending an e-mail message to one of the two e-mail addresses available for your list.

  1. The first format is based on the class number and semester. The format follows the formatting of "class[semester].[class number]". For example, if you were teaching a class with the class number "12345" in the Fall of 2006, the address to use would be "".
  2. The second format is based on the semester, the class name, and the section number. The format follows the formatting of "[semester].[abbreviated class name].[section number]". For example, if you were teaching English 101, section 3, in the Fall of 2006, the address to use would be "".

Any messages that you sent to this list will automatically be distributed to the currently enrolled studnets in your class, each student recieving his or her own copy. The message will show up as coming "From" you, through the mailing list (the students will not see the e-mail addresses of the other people on the list).

Help With Your Class Lists

As this is still a fairly new service and we are constantly trying to improve the services offered to the campus, we would appreciate your feedback on how we can make this service more effective for your use.

For Frequently Asked Questions regarding Class Lists, please click here or visit

If you have questions about how to use your class lists, please contact the University Help Desk at campus x1400 or by email to