CSUN Homepage Department of Theatre cdmasks.gif - 0.6 K

Undergraduate Handbook for Theatre Majors, 1996-1997

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Production Requirements

Financial Aid

Credential Program
Course Requirements
Student Projects 
Student Forms 
Welcome Video

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A Welcome

Most of you who read this for the first time are students new to the Department of Theatre at CSUN. This handbook was written for you. The idea was to try to make the initial period of getting acquainted here a little easier.

The handbook is not a replacement of the CSUN undergraduate catalog. It is intended to be used along with your catalog, to supplement in useful ways the general university and department information found there.

Our theatre community here is kind of exciting. (Some say weird!) The hustle of activity in the hallways of our building is undoubtedly distinctive. The atmosphere is definitely theatrical and unlike most other buildings on campus. For those of us who inhabit the place, it seems perfectly normal. Likable. Full of run-of-the-mill frenzy.

We hope very much you will feel at home here.
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A Short Sketch

Following are some facts which suggest the flavor of our theatre community. Here at CSUN we have:
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What to Expect

The educational mission of the Department of Theatre has been expressed in the following way:
  1. To provide a context in which students can improve the quality of their aesthetic experiences and meet aesthetic needs through the living theatre; 
  2. To prepare students to teach Theatre Arts; 
  3. To provide a production program which seeks to promote theatre as a significant element in the enrichment of the daily lives of persons in our diverse geographical community; 
  4. To provide preliminary training for careers in the arts and the crafts of theatre; 
  5. To contribute significantly to theatrical awareness of the community.
The more formal language above boils down to things which affect all of us in very practical ways. To put it again in a slightly different way, as a student you may expect the following things here: