CLAS 315: FINAL EXAM Study SheetListed here are the names of most of the major figures which should be known at least in terms of the principal myth cycle(s) to which they belong, their parentage, their enemies, and their most famous achievements. This is NOT an exhaustive list, only the most essential items. You can check them in a dictionary of mythology. There are links on the Handouts page at the top. --The Theseus Myth-- Theseus Aithra Aegeus Medea Perithous Ariadne Daedalus Minos Pasiphaë Phaedra Hippolyte Hippolytus --The Perseus Saga-- Perseus Danaë Athena Hermes Akrisios Dictys Polydektes Cassiopeia The Graiai Cepheus Andromeda Medusa --The Orpheus Myth-- Orpheus Eurydice Ciconian Women Dionysos Aristeas Persephone Hades Hymenaeus Argonauts Calliope Linus Antissa --The Demeter Myth-- Demeter Persephone Hades Oreithyeia Eumolpus (Hierophant) Keryx Iambe Triptolemus Demophon Lynkos Metaneira Antissa The Heracles Cycle Heracles Amphitryon Electryon Sthenelaus Eurystheus Alcmene Megara Deianeira Hyllus Iphicles Iolaus Omphale Atlas Hesperides Geryon Hydra Thespius Eurylochus Autolycus Poeas Philoctetes Hylas Abderus The Theban Cycle Dionysos Cadmus Semele Agave Pentheus Tiresias Autonoë Ino Harmonia |
John Paul Adams, CSUN