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Publications of Interest

The ASA Section on Emotions website offers links to academic publications in order to promote the general development of the study of emotions through the exchange of ideas, theory, research, and teaching. We encourage section members to send bibliographical references of their theory writings to the webmaster, Dominic Little. Linked online sources will open in separate windows on your browser.

Book Announcement:

  1. Jonathan H. Turner and Jan E. Stets. 2005. The Sociology of Emotions. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  2. Timothy J. Owens. 2005. From Adolescence to Adulthood in the Vietnam Era. New York: Springer.
  3. Stets, Jan E. and Jonathan H. Turner. 2006. Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions. New York: Springer.


Dmitri N. Shalin

  1. Legal Pragmatism, an Ideal Speech Situation, and the Fully Embodied Democratic Process
  2. Liberalism, Affect Control, and Emotionally Intelligent Democracy

© 2005 Dominic Little