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Prof LOverman's English 259 Writing Projects


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No late work accepted! Only typed, stapled (if in hard copy), 12 font Times Roman, double spaced work accepted as indicated on weekly schedules. Online-All writing assignments to be completed in MLA format for credit on day due. All essays MUST BE SUBMITTED to Turnitin.com VIA Canvas in a timely fashion or will receive No Credit. That is where they will be commented upon and graded. Note if comments are not ready by you then none will be made any further, however conferences during office hours are always available to you to discuss any concerns.

  • Essays

    Students will write two thesis-driven, out-of-class research papers uploaded in TurnitIN via Canvas. Specific requirements for essay will be described in each assignment sheet. All out-of-class essays are to be typed on a word processor, double-spaced with standard margins and font sizes, and citations must follow MLA guidelines.

  • Each essay requires a peer reviewed outline & final revised draft.
    Essay 1 = worth: 20% [see on CANVAS in Essays module]
    Essay 2 = worth: 25% [see on CANVAS in Essays module]
  • Final Exam worth: 20% A combination of short and long essay style responses that analyze/explicate/compare/contrast various works, from a specific list, incorporating critical theory and individual research.
  • Reading Journal plus reply to class members
    a) Throughout the semester, you will submit online journal entries (apx 11-15 entries, typed, 450-500 words min, double-spaced ) which will provide a space for you to critically respond to class readings and assignments.
    b) Replies to two or more classmates: After posting in Canvas initially, you must then read TWO others and Reply with a respectful and well thought-out comment of 7-8  sentences. Discuss a similarity or difference you have in your own response to the queries posed by your peers. Address your classmate as if writing them a letter so please begin Dear FULL NAME.
    c) Your entries are not primarily to consist of summary, but rather you are to react, respond, analyze, and synthesize your thoughts regarding our readings.
    d) For each section, I will give you study questions to reflect on.
    e) This journal will be evaluated on the basis of the thoughtfulness and substance of your entries should follow the conventions of Standard Written English and adhere to MLA style and should have a clear position with logical explanation and support.
    f) You should always be prepared to discuss your journals in class even if you have posted it online in Canvas.
    WARNING: Missed reading journals cannot be made up.
  • Reading Journal Rubric worth: 15%
Presentations and Presenters:
  1. Presentation Prompt worth: 10%
  2. Presentation Response Guidelines
  3. Presentation Response Samples