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ENGLISH 115 Class BLOG LIST Fall 2012 Prof L.Overman

English 115 Student's Blogs

Students Blog URL's Blog Names Final Project Sites
Babbes, Cooper D http://threefathoms.tumblr.com/ English 115 Sheep  
Briones, Miguel A http://mrbrionesmi.tumblr.com/ Mr. Briones  
Bush, Stephanie C http://becauseenglish115.tumblr.com/ Progressions and Others Things
Corona, Noemi http://noemi525.tumblr.com/ Noemi Corona  
Gabrielyan, Hakob http://hakobg.tumblr.com/ Hakob Gabrielyan  
Galvez, Dianaly http://aly-aly-oxen-free.blogspot.com/ My thoughts were so loud, I couldn't hear my mouth

Huezo, Arlene http://there-u-arearlene.tumblr.com/ Where the sidewalk never ends  
Ibarra, Brittany M http://brittuhhhnayyy.tumblr.com/ Brittany's World  
Iranpur, Shanelle http://eversowonderstruck.tumblr.com/ a series of words  
Khan, Saba http://saba-khansblog.tumblr.com/ Saba Khan  
Kim, Min J http://patpatkimkim.tumblr.com/ Mr.Kim  
Knight, Kelsea A http://kelseaknight-blog.tumblr.com/ Kelsea Knight-English 115 Blog  
Litke, Johanna L http://joh4nna-litke.tumblr.com/ Gliterati

Mendez-Herrera, Glory S http://glorymh19.tumblr.com/ Glory's World  
Miwa, Jana S http://janamiwa.blogspot.com/ Collect.Select.Reflect.  
Montalban, Bryan A http://bryanamontalban.tumblr.com/ Bryan's Blog  
Rasul, Junaid G http://mellowbrownman.tumblr.com/ Junaid Rasul  
Rodriguez, Avery F http://partythunder.tumblr.com/ Party Thunder  
Rodriguez, Jose L http://mr-rodriguezj.tumblr.com/ English 115  
Rose, Danielle F http://daniellefelicerose.tumblr.com/ Danielle Rose  
Ruiz, Brianna A http://therealmofpromise.blogspot.com/ MayonR  
Steadman, Christina L http://csteadman.tumblr.com/ Ms. Steadman's Blog  
Ying, Jun http://jim12345.tumblr.com/

Jun Ying