Music 316:  Musical Analysis

Spring Semester 2003


Dr. Dan Hosken



Office Phone:

(818) 677-3161

Email Address:

Course Web Page:

Office Hours:

MW 10–11, TTH 11:00–11:30 or by appointment


MUS 214 Harmony II


Burkhart, Charles. Anthology for Musical Analysis, 5th Edition (available in bookstore)

Additional Materials:

Manuscript/Staff paper (8.5 x 11)

Class Ticket Number:


Course Description

Catalog Description: “Analytic techniques for the study of balance in the organization of musical material.” In this course you will apply the knowledge gained in harmony and musicianship to the analysis of form and function in tonal music and beyond. Analysis is an essential activity in all forms of musical endeavor including performance, conducting, and composition. If you don’t know what’s going on in a piece, you’re not making music.


Your grade will be based upon the following guidelines:

Midterm Project 15%
Final Project


Other Assignments 20%
Quizzes 10%
Midterm Exam 15%
Final Exam 15%
Class Participation 10%

Attendance Policy

Per Music Department policy:

Cheating/Plagiarism Policy

You are expected to complete the work for this course on your own. You may discuss the work with fellow students (e.g., form study groups), but the work you turn in must be your own work and in your own words. You may not copy from another source (Internet or otherwise) without quoting and providing bibliographic reference. Such quoting may not be a substantial part of any assignment. According to the California Code of Regulations, academic dishonesty is an offense for which a student may be expelled, suspended, or given a less severe disciplinary action (see Appendix C of the Catalog for details). Don't do it.

Late Work Policy

Late work will NOT be accepted without prior (meaning before the day it is due) approval of the instructor and then only for extenuating circumstances. If you miss a class due to illness, you may turn in the assignment in the very next class for a one letter grade deduction. That deduction will not apply if you provide a doctor’s slip verifying the illness on the day you return to class. Work that is turned in late due to poor planning on your part, a heavy course load, a heavy workload, etc. will not be accepted. If you must miss class due to an ensemble performance, you must notify the instructor in advance and arrange to complete the work ahead of time.

Course Objectives

In this course a student will

Approximate Course Schedule

The instructor reserves the right to alter this at any time.

Week Beginning


January 27


February 3

Assignment 1 Due

February 10


February 17

Assignment 2 Due

February 24


March 3

Assignment 3 Due

March 10


March 17

Midterm Exam

Midterm Project due

March 24


March 31

March 31 No class (Cesar Chavez day)

Assignment 4 Due

April 7


April 14

Spring Break—NO CLASSES

April 21


April 28

Assignment 5 Due

May 5


May 12

Final Project Due

May 19 (Finals Week)

Final Exam