Nature of Political Inquiry As we begin our discussion of political science research methods is important to keep in mind that we are in fact studying social science and the scientific method. We might ask, ourselves in what way is political science a science? And, if my assertion that political science is a science is correct. We must differentiate between politics and political science. Politics can be understood as a competition between citizens over policy preference. In my public policy classes I define public policy as a public response to perceived public problems. Politics is the process we use to select those public responses. There is nothing scientific about it. It's all interest-based. Political science, on the other hand, is the social scientific study of politics and public policy. What is scientific about political science? The section below is an excerpt from an excellent handout created by the University of North Carolina.
So, if political science is in fact science, what should we be concerned with? As the excerpt above suggests, science is concerned with making empirical observations. Empirical observations are based on making observations based on our empirical senses -- what can we see, what can we hear, what can we feel, what can we taste, what can we smell. Empirical observations and bring us empirical knowledge -- which is distinct from normative knowledge. Normative knowledge is based on what we believe -- influenced by personal experience, by personal values. Empirical observation allows us to document what is. Normative knowledge allows us to assess whether what is is good or bad. For example, political science frequently studies elections. We can observe empirically how many people vote. But whether 50% turnout is good or bad is based on normative judgment. To be fair, we should note that political science includes normative philosophy. Our subfield of political theory is concerned with normative questions -- like justice. At the same time, the “science” of political research is empirically driven.
Epistemology But, what is knowledge, and how to we build it? Epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge. Our interest in Epistemology revolves around the question, how do we know what we know?
In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Thomas Kuhn argued that science is itself defined by the questions scientists ask. These questions are invariably constrained by the beliefs scientists carry with them as a function of their training and accreditation. These beliefs form the theories, which scientists and then seek to validate through empirical observation. The bubble within which scientific inquiry takes place can be described as a paradigm. A paradigm is a philosophical or ideological framework that defines our basic assumptions. Consequently within any scientific paradigm we are able to validate many of our basic theories, but, according to Kuhn, we are unable to make any significant scientific discoveries.
Kuhn argues that as we move through our scientific inquiry, validating some theories and invalidating others, we will eventually come to a point where our basic assumptions are no longer able to be sustained. For example, if we are living within an “earth is flat” paradigm we will ask questions about the flat earth. How flat is in the earth? Why is the earth flat? What happens when we come to the end of the earth – do we just fall off? Perhaps we develop a theory stating that when we get to the edge of the earth the ocean drops in a huge waterfall. As we seek to test this theory, we may find that we never in fact common to the edge of the earth. If we never get to the edge of the Earth perhaps the earth is not flat. This recognition shatters the earth is flat paradigm.
Hegel argued that knowledge is the consequence conflict -- a dialectic process. The first stage of the dialectic is the thesis (in Kuhn, the paradigm). The thesis will eventually bring an opposing reaction – the antithesis (the paradigm will eventually be invalidated). The tension between the thesis and antithesis à ß is eventually result through a synthesis. But the synthesis in the dialectic is not an integration of the thesis and antithesis -- it is an entirely new understanding. This is, in Kuhn, a scientific revolution. Here is an excellent synopsis of Kuhn at
The Scientific Method The term science is itself confusing. When we talk about “science” we often mean the body of information that science has collected over time. For example, in a geology class we may talk about earthquakes and plate tectonics. Geologic discovery is indeed an important part of science. But, scientific discovery is only possible as a consequence of using a scientific process. I prefer to think of science as a collection of procedural tools we use to make empirical observations. These processes can be thought of as the scientific method. Science is process. We can understand the scientific method as a set of protocols that have developed over time to allow us to make unbiased observations of physical, biological, or social phenomenon. Political science is a subfield of social science, just as physics is part of physical science, and biology a part of life science. Though the unit of analysis – and the specific data collection tools used – may differ across these different sciences, the scientific method remains the same. The scientific method is a stepwise process which includes three major components: science is based on making empirical observations; science is transparent; science is replicable. When we say science is based on making empirical observations what we mean is that science is concerned with making observations of actual phenomenon, and documenting those observations. Transparency simply means that the process we use, and the tools we use, must be transparent to our peers in the scientific community. In other words, the scientific community at large must be able to see and understand what we actually did to make these observations. And finally, our observations must be replicable. Replicability is the cornerstone to good science. If we make an observation and other scientists aren't able to replicate that observation is, it is assumed that our observation was either (a) a mistake on our part (we didn’t really see what we thought we did); or (b) an anomaly (an irregularity that we can't expect to see again).
Remember, science is a process of explaining the world using evidence. If we can’t evidence to support our theory it is likely our theory is wrong. The difference between political science and a cocktail party is that political science (like any science) uses evidence to support its theories.
Identifying and Measuring Hypotheses
As the discussion above point out, scientific research is necessarily a stepwise process. We are, by definition, at step one (developing the research question). As you think about your research question, you will want to think about how you might answer the question. To do that effectively we will conduct a thorough review of the scientific literature (step two), and using the knowledge of the literature review, we will break down our RQ into specific hypotheses (step three). Hypotheses are simply an explanation of the relationship between two or more variables. If my RQ is "To what extent does studying help students graduate?" I might conceptualize several hypotheses which can be tested to help me answer the RQ. Hypothesis One (H1) might be: When students study more they learn more. Hypothesis Two (H2) might be: When students learn more in earlier classes they do better in later classes. The variables contained in H1 include: the dependent variable -- the time students put into studying in a particular class; and the independent variable -- the amount students learn. The dependent variable causes change in the independent variable. Increased study causes variation in the amount students learn. H2 includes the variables amount learned (dependent) and how well students do in later classes (independent). By measuring these variables we can test the hypotheses -- can the hypotheses be supported by the data? (step four). And, by testing the hypotheses we can better determine the answer to the RQ (step five). Don't worry about steps two through five at this point, as we will be revisiting them as we move forward. At this point, think about your RQ.
How to Create a Useful Research Question All research begins with a well articulated research question. Think of your research question as your scalpel. If you were surgeon your scalpel would be your most important tool. It must be sharp, clean, and well focused. If you try to operate with a rusty scalpel the outcome for your patient would not be very good. Similarly, as a social scientist, if you use a rusty research question (ambiguous, unfocused, unmeasurable), the outcome for your paper will not be very good. Trochim discusses three basic types of questions that research projects can address:
Descriptive: When a study is designed primarily to describe what is going on or what exists. Public opinion polls that seek only to describe the proportion of people who hold various opinions are primarily descriptive in nature. For instance, if we want to know what percent of the population would vote for a Democratic or a Republican in the next presidential election, we are simply interested in describing something.
Relational: When a study is designed to look at the relationships between two or more variables. A public opinion poll that compares what proportion of males and females say they would vote for a Democratic or a Republican candidate in the next presidential election is essentially studying the relationship between gender and voting preference.
Causal: When a study is designed to determine whether one or more variables (e.g., a program or treatment variable) causes or affects one or more outcome variables. If we did a public opinion poll to try to determine whether a recent political advertising campaign changed voter preferences, we would essentially be studying whether the campaign (cause) changed the proportion of voters who would vote Democratic or Republican (effect).
Your research question should be constructed in a way that allows you to measure something of importance. It should be narrow and to the point. For example, To what extent do Cars in the Los Angeles basin contribute to airborne pollution? This question is specific – it identifies units of analysis (cars) as well as anticipates a meaningful hypothesis (cars à smog), and places the question in a geographically specific location make a measurement easier. We could be even more specific: To what extent have Cars in the Los Angeles basin contributed to airborne pollution over the last ten years? As you think about articulating your specific research question start with a topic that you find interesting -- and mayor of the topic into a focused and specific question. If I'm interested generally in the presidential election, I might ask myself “what about the election” is interesting? If voter turnout is something I find interesting, I might ask myself “what influences voters to turn out or stay home on election day?”
Keep in mind that a good research question is one which is both measurable (you can measure specific variables which will allow you to answer the question) and important. When we say important we mean that a research question has high explanatory power. We can't answer all questions – we sent five-time. So, we try to articulate research questions that provide the most explanation on a given topic. Think about a topic that interests you, narrow that topic, and write down a draft Research Question. Leave it for a few hours, then return and revise. Leave it again, and revise. The key here is in thinking broadly, then focusing, and then revising several times. Later, as you begin researching your topic you will have the opportunity to refine your research question. |