California State University Northridge, Math 250 Fall 2005
MATH 250 Placard
MATH 250

Math 250 Announcements

Download Midterm #1 for practice

Download Midterm #2 for practice

Download Midterm #3 for practice

Math 250, MWF 10am-10:50am SG109

The course is the third part in calculus/math analysis series. The main topics are: Cartesian coordinates; vectors; the cross product; lines and curves in tree-space; velocity, acceleration, and curvature; surfaces; cylindrical and spherical coordinates; functions of two and more variables; partial derivatives; limits and continuity, differentiability; directional derivatives; the chain rule; tangent planes; max an min; Lagrange's method; double integral, iterated integrals; double integral in polar coordinates; triple integrals; vector fields, line integrals, independence of path, Green's theorem in the plane. 3 credits. 3 classes per week, 3 midterms, 1 final exam. Adobe Acrobat (58.8K) ,

The textbook for Math 250 is:
1. C. Varberg, E.J. Purcell, and S.E. Rigdon Calculus , 8-th edition, Prentice Hall, 1996.

Classes schedule:
MWF 10:00am-10:50am CG 109.
The office hours will be MF 11:00am--1:00pm, but you can try to talk to me MWF mornings as well.

The final is scheduled on Wednessday, December 14, 2005. The time is 10:15am--12:15pm. The place will be announced later