Math 103. Homework 7. Solutions

1.[61, p. 221] Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph of the function

f(x) = x   _____
at the point (3,15).

Solution. The slope of such line is given by the derivative f¢(3). We compute f¢(x) using the product rule and chain rule:

f¢(x) = (2x2+7)1/2 + x(1/2)(2x2+7)-1/2 (4x) = (2x2+7)1/2 + 2x2(2x2+7)-1/2
Plugging in x=3into the derivative:

f¢(3) = (2(3)2+7)1/2 + 2(3)2(2(3)2+7)-1/2 = 43
An equation for the line passing through (3,15) with slope 43/5 is

y = 43
x - 54

2. [13, p. 237] The Pulsar corporation manufactures certain model of 19-inch color TV sets. The quantity x of these sets demanded each week is related to the wholesale unit price p by the equation

p=-0.006 x +180
The weekly total cost incurred by Pulsar for producing x sets is

C(x) = 0.000002 x3 -0.02 x2 +120 x+60,000

Solution. (a) The revenue function R is

R(x)=xp(x) = x(-0.006 x +180) = -0.006 x2 +180 x
and the profit function P is

P(x) = R(x)-C(x) = -0.006 x2 +180 x-( 0.000002 x3 -0.02 x2 +120 x+60,000 ) = -0.000002 x3 + 0.014 x2+60 x -60,000

(b) C¢(x) = 0.000006 x2 -0.04 x +120

R¢(x)=-0.012 x+180

P¢(x) = -0.000006 x2 +0.028 x +60

(c) C¢(2000) = 0.000006 (2000)2 -0.04 (2000) +120 = 64, and this says that at the level of production of 2000 units, the cost of producing the 2001st unit is $64

R¢(2000)=-0.012 (2000)+180 = 156, and this says that the revenue realized in selling the 2001st unit is $156

P¢(2000) = -0.000006 (2000)2 +0.028 (2000) +60=92, and this says that the profit realized in selling the 2001st unit is $92

3. [15, p. 237] Find the average cost function

associated with the total cost function of the previous problem.

Solution. (a) The average cost function is

(x) = C(x)
= 0.000002 x3 -0.02 x2 +120 x+60,000
= 0.000002 x2 -0.02 x +120 + 60,000
and the marginal average cost function is

¢(x) = 0.000004 x -0.02 - 60000


¢(5000) = 0.000004(5000) -0.02 - 60000
= -0.0024
and this says that, at the level of production of 5000 units, the average cost of production is dropping 2/10 penny/unit.

¢(10000) = .000004(10000)-0.02 - 60000
= 0.0194
which says that the average cost is increasing when 10,000 units are produced.

4. The management of the Titan Tire Company has determined that the quantity demanded x of their Super Titan tires per week is related to the unit price by the equation

p = 144-x2
where p is measured in dollars and x in units of a thousand.

Solution. First write the demand equation as a function of p, that is, solve for x and get

f(p) = (144-p)1/2
The derivative f¢(p) is computed using the chain rule

f¢(p) = (1/2)(144-p)-1/2(-1)
The elasticity of demand is given by

E(p) = - pf¢(p)
= - p(-1/2)(144-p)-1/2
= p

(a) Plug in p=63 and p=108 into E(p) and get

E(63) = 63
» 0.39

E(108)= 108
= 1.5

(b) When the price is set at $63, an increase of $1 in price per tire will result in a decrease of approximately 0.39 percent in the quantity demanded. When the price is set at $108, an increase of $1 in price per tire will result in a decrease of approximately 1.5 percent in the quantity demanded.

(c) The demand is unitary when E(p)=1. Thus we have to solve the equation


p = 2(144-p) = 288 -2p

p = 288
= 96

5. [30, p. 238] The quantity demanded per week x (in units of a hundred) of the Mikado miniature camera is related to the unit price p (in dollars) by the demand equation

5p = 400-x2        (0 £ p £ 80)

Solution. First write the demand equation as x=f(p), quantity demanded x as function of unit price p:

x=f(p) =   ______

f¢(p) = -5
2   ______

E(p)=-p f¢(p)
= -p
2   ______

= 5p


E(p) = 5(40)
= 1
so the demand is inelastic when p=40.

E(60) = 5(60)
= 1.5
so the demand is elastic when p=60.

(b) The demand is unitary if

E(p) = 5p
or 5p=800-10p. That is, the demand is unitary when p=160/3.

For parts (c) and (d), note the following relation. The revenue function R(p) as function of unit price is:

R(p) = p f(p)
Thus the marginal revenue is

R¢(p) = f(p) + p f¢(p) = f(p) [1+p f¢(p)
] = f(p)[1-E(p)]
So if the demand is elastic at p (E(p) > 1), then an increase in unit price will cause the revenue to decrease, whereas a decrease in the unit price will cause the revenue to increase.

Analogously, if the demand is inelastic at p (E(p) < 1), then R¢(p) > 0, so that revenue is decreasing at p. A slight increase in the unit price will make the revenue to increase, while a little decrease in unit price will cause the revenue to decrease.

(c) Since the demand is elastic at p=60, lowering the unit price a little will cause the revenue to increase.

(d) Since the demand is inelastic at p=40, a slight increase of the unit price will cause the revenue to increase.