Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing

Physical Fitness/Activity

Jennifer Romack

POSITION: Professor


PHONE: 818-677-3219

WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? I can provide guidance about why young children (birth to 5 years) should be more physically active, how to plan and implement developmentally appropriate movement activities in family child care homes and center-based care, research related to perceived and actual motor competence, and amount and levels of physical activity in children ages 5 and under.
ABOUT: I have been intrigued in how we move and learn to move since my undergraduate years. This interest steered me to graduate school (M.S.) and a teaching credential. As a credentialed elementary physical education specialist, I spent seven years fostering change in children’s motor skills while observing the process. These years stimulated my return to graduate school (Ph.D.) and studying motor behavior. Right out of my doctoral program I came to CSUN, where I predominately teach motor development. I am particularly interested in how children acquire and refine motor skills during the early years of life, and the influence that physical activity has on motor competence. The majority of my work is in community settings where my students and I engage with and study children and child care providers (family child care homes, center-based programs).