Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing

Child Psychopathology

Sara Berzenski

POSITION: Assistant Professor

DEPARTMENT: Psychology


PHONE: (818) 677-2814

WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? I can provide guidance about graduate programs in developmental psychology, clinical psychology, and social work. I can also advise on other questions related to research in developmental psychology and the development of child psychopathology, child maltreatment, and the child welfare system.

ABOUT: I received my PhD in developmental psychology from UC Riverside in 2013, with a focus on developmental psychopathology. Prior to that, I worked on research related to child maltreatment and prenatal drug exposure. I have collected survey and observational data from parents, children, and teachers as part of this work. Through my research I have had experience working in direct cooperation with the child protective services systems in California, Pennsylvania, and Illinois since 2003. My research currently focuses on child maltreatment and the ways in which it influences how children come to understand, perceive, express, and regulate emotions.


Holli Tonyan

POSITION: Assistant Professor


PHONE: 818-677-4970

WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? I can provide general guidance about careers in psychology, early childhood (e.g., centers and family child care homes, but also home visiting, coaching, providing technical assistance, resource and referral), policy, and social work. I can provide more detailed and specific guidance around careers related to child care (also called “day care”): research, policy, program design and evaluation.

ABOUT: I started as an assistant in an infant classroom of a child care center, but most of my career has been in research to better understand the characteristics of interactions and child care settings that influence children’s development. I worked for three years in a teacher preparation program for early childhood education in Melbourne, Australia. My research currently focuses on family child care homes: child care that takes place in the provider’s own home.