Valley Nonprofit Resources

  • VNR Logo green background with San Fernando Valley Skyline

Technical Assistance

VNR’s technical assistance program helps nonprofits in the San Fernando Valley meet challenges that go beyond what its website, Concierge or other services can provide. Technical assistance might be a single consulting session, or it might be a longer-term intervention. VNR staff will sometimes provide this TA, but often the purpose of VNR’s assistance is to help a nonprofit determine what its needs are, and then identify outside resources to meet those needs. The “way in” to VNR’s technical assistance resources is through our project staff.

2023 Resource Directory for Nonprofit Capacity Building in Los Angeles County (.pdf)

VNR TA Fee Policy

VNR's technical assistance services are provided pro bono to nonprofits with annual budgets of less than $500,000, with the exception of services specific to fundraising (VNR general operating support funding otherwise covers the cost). Partial exceptions may be made for nonprofits with annual budgets up to $1,000,000, after which full fees are charged. For more information, contact VNR at

Needs Assessment

To start the process of determining what a nonprofit needs in the way of technical assistance, nonprofits can complete a simple, four-question form that can then be shared with VNR or used with a consulting resource to which the nonprofit is already connected. Download VNR Needs Assessment Form (.pdf)