Student Affairs

Approved Allocations 2011-2012

ProposalStudent ServicesTechnology
CTVA Facilities Access: Script Library, Media Lab, Production Spaces24,000 
Communication Studies Student Support Center28,260 
Graduate Assistant Music Theory Tutors/Lab Monitors10,600 
Support for Trained Laboratory Assistants to Increase Accessibility for All Engineering Students 22,500
Peer Laboratory Assistants (ECE) 18,000
Support for Training & Mentoring Engineering Management Students (MSEM) 20,500
Laboratory Assistants to Increase Accessibility and Ensure Safety for Engineering Students (MSEM) 22,500
CAD/CAM & Manufacturing Lab Access for Students (MSEM) 20,000
CECS Common Lab Student Assistant Support 17,760
Peer Advisor Mentor Program47,700 
Co-curricular Support for Student Success in Business & Econ. Courses117,400 
Peer Learning Assistants to Support Lower Division Students (Mech. Engineering)21,600 
Facilitated Academic Workshops (CECS Service Center)25,000 
Online Tutoring for CSUN Students 7,900
Decreasing DUF in Science, Math, & Dev. Math through Increased Tutoring (CSM)50,000 
Residential Academic Mentor Program149,760 
Student-Athlete Academic Support Program15,000 
Navigating College Texts: Supporting Students in the "New" Territory of Academic English64,000 
SI Reading/Writing Leader Training & Support28,000 
Experiential Learning & Govt Online Video Resources 34,600
Online Career Resources 16,000
Scholarship Enhancement Project14,400 
Bridging the Gap in Language Learning: Language Acquisition with Voice Recognition Using TellMeMore 15,000
Career/Academic Planning for Deaf Students18,733 
Enhancing Mental Health Services for CSUN Students86,430 
Oviatt Library Extended Hours37,880 
CTVA Film Library: Archiving, Inventory, & Maint. 11,400
Video/DVD Replacement Project 20,000
Streaming Video Collection 28,000
On-Line Audio Books for Student Listening 5,000
Patron Driven E-books 50,000
Textbook Reserves Pilot Project25,000 
Student Reading Room Project47,000 
USU Computer Lab Expansion 296,705
Campus Corridor Seating & Electrical Power Enhancements71,250 
Core Door Benches for Jerome Richfield Hall 1st, 2nd, & 3rd floor50,000 
Sierra Quad Presentation Tables47,844 
Wireless Enhancements (Non-Classroom Spaces in Academic Bldgs) 530,000
IT Help-Chat Service 38,400
Student Software Access 1,200,000
Mobile Technology and Student Web Portal  
LGBT Mentor Program38,000 
Veterans Resource Center38,000 
Bicycle Racks & Covers for New Recreation Center79,854 



Technology - funding granted

Student Services - funding granted