February 24, 2017
Dear Principal Investigators:
As you are aware, TUC’s Sponsored Programs Department has experienced several retirements and staff changes over the past year. As we conducted our searches and trained our new hires, the remaining staff assumed additional responsibilities and worked tirelessly to support our PIs as much as possible. The team appreciates your patience and understanding during this time.
I am pleased to inform you that we were able to attract qualified, competent individuals to join our Sponsored Programs team, and we have trained them to step into their roles as Liaisons. I am happy to now introduce our new Sponsored Programs Liaisons, Michael Epping and Shanell Moreno. You may know Michael Epping from his previous position at the Matador Bookstore, where he worked for over 15 years, most recently as Operations Manager. Michael is currently completing a B.A. in Philosophy at CSUN. Shanell Moreno holds a B.S. in Business Administration from CSUN, and previously worked for the university in the Purchasing and Accounting departments.
Michael Epping will assume liaison responsibilities as of March 1; Shanell Moreno will follow on April 1. The assignments will be as follows:
College/Department | Sponsored Programs Liaison | Start Date |
Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication | Leslie Zazueta |
David Nazarian College of Business and Economics | Leslie Zazueta |
Michael D. Eisner College of Education | Philia Militante |
College of Engineering and Computer Science | Shanell Moreno | (as of April 1, 2017) |
College of Health and Human Development | Michael Epping | (as of March 1, 2017) |
College of Humanities | Leslie Zazueta |
College of Science and Mathematics: |
Biology | Michael Epping | (as of March 1, 2017) |
Chemistry and Biochemistry | Grace Slavik |
Geological Sciences | Shanell Moreno | (as of April 1, 2017) |
Mathematics | Michael Epping | (as of March 1, 2017) |
Physics and Astronomy | Grace Slavik |
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences | Shanell Moreno | (as of April 1, 2017) |
University Administration, Student Services, BUILD | Leslie Zazueta |
TUC’s main effort is always to provide excellent customer service while ensuring administrative and regulatory compliance. To better serve you, we have evolved our PRO-PI (Professional-Resourceful-Organized for the Principal Investigator) initiative into a new program we call PRO-PI 2.0. This enhanced program will focus on reinforcing individualized customer service and on improving/streamlining systems and processes. All our staff members will work with you to make your sponsored programs as successful as possible.
Best Regards,