TUC Sponsored Programs

Transition to TUC eTravel

August 4, 2017

Dear Principal Investigators and Research Administrators:

 During the recent months, The University Corporation (TUC) has worked with many of you to test and improve TUC’s version of eTravel. As of now, many of you are successfully using our new system and we feel that we are ready to start the final transition to a fully electronic process; to be completed by January 1, 2018. 

Below you will find our transition timetable and resources that will be available to assist you with your transition to eTravel.  Detailed instructions regarding the eTravel process can be found here.

We would like to assure you that TUC, and in particular your liaisons, are committed to assisting you in any way to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

We would like to thank you very much for your time and patience through this process. 

Feel free to contact me anytime at gjahn@csun.edu or at 818.677.2698. 

Best Regards,



 Transition Timeline

We are planning to completely transition by January 1, 2018.

  • Through September 30, 2017 – TUC will continue to accept paper-based “Travel Expense Reports” for all travel until 09/30/17.
  • Beginning October 1, 2017– Travel expense authorizations and expense requests will be submitted and processed via eTravel.
    • Requests for mileage reimbursement only, can either be processed through eTravel or a paper-based ‘Travel Expense Report.
    • Beginning January 1, 2018 – All travel expense authorizations and expense requests will be submitted and processed via eTravel.
      • TUC employees can request mileage reimbursement only through eTravel.
      • Non-TUC employees (only) can continue to request mileage reimbursements via paper-based ‘Travel Expense Request’ form

 Training & Orientation

Guides and additional documentation on eTravel are available on CSUN’s Travel webpage at http://www.csun.edu/travel. Guides are current and will be updated as necessary.

Classroom training sessions on the eTravel will resume after October 2017. Please refer to the CSUN’s Travel webpage for the latest schedules.


Your liaison will be happy to assist you with regard to traveling on your grant and allowable expenditures.  


Georg Jahn

Director, Sponsored Programs & Strategic Planning