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Dear Colleague:

Welcome to the April 2015 Issue of HR News.

Get into the spirit of Spring by attending Earth Fair 2015, sponsored by Associated Students on Thursday, April 23, 2015 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.! Join students and your colleagues and stop by Bayramian Lawn to learn how you can support our campus priority to foster sustainability and a healthy environment. Enjoy events such as yoga, crafts, music, and giveaways, while learning about issues such as environmental conservation and the consumption of organic food.

In addition to acquiring knowledge about the Earth's well-being this month, you're invited to learn about personal sustainability. Professional Development has two upcoming programs to enhance personal health. The first one is our Mindfulness workshop on April 13th, facilitated by Amy Rosenblatt of CSUN's University Counseling Services. Incorporating Mindfulness into our daily lives guides us to being present and can help reduce stress which can be quite damaging to one's physical and emotional health. Our other program is the Healing Arts: A Path to Wellbeing through Creativity event on April 27th featuring a panel of faculty affiliates from the Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing who will interactively engage you in attaining creative skills to manage daily stressors.

Don't forget that keynote speaker James Mapes will present "IMAGINE THAT! Ignite Your Brain for Creativity and Peak Performance" on April 2nd from 10 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. in the Flintridge Room. Join Mr. Mapes, founder of Quantum Leap Thinking and creator of The Transformational Coach, as he demonstrates the power to think creatively and perceive new opportunities for innovation. Through compelling stories and interaction, Mapes illustrates how "you can achieve what you imagine." If you are further motivated to develop your entrepreneurial and leader side, check out the LA Cleantech (LACI) LACI@CSUN CEO Speaker Series which continues this month with "Human Centric Design," presented by Ravi Sawhney, President and CEO, RKS Design on April 16th.

As shared in our March HR News, all faculty and staff are invited to nominate a staff member or auxiliary employee for the Recognition of Excellence Awards comprised of the Presidential Award, Award of Merit, Alumni Relations Award, Jolene Koester Team Award, and the Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award. Nomination forms for these awards are available and being accepted until April 17th. Hard work and a strong commitment to the school garner recognition and commendation. That is why I highly encourage you to nominate someone deserving of these accolades.

For those employees eligible to participate in the Fee Waiver & Reduction Program, applications to participate in the Fall 2015 program should be submitted by April 17, 2015 to ensure timely processing. You can learn more about the program and eligibility at the Fee Waiver website.

Finally, in honor of "Drop Everything and Read" day (April 12th), I invite you to join Grow Your Mind Book Club, on April 15, from 12-1pm. We will discuss Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital by Sheri Fink and delve into the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Katrina at Memorial Medical Center. I also encourage you to check out every day by David Levithan, chosen as CSUN's 2015-2016 Freshman Common Read. The Common read offers an avenue for faculty, staff, and students to come together and explore an interesting novel with equally dynamic themes.

Please take a moment and read the April 2015 Issue of HR News.



Kristina de la Vega | Interim Associate Vice President |
Office of Human Resources | California State University, Northridge |

Imagine That! Ignite your Brain for Creativity with Keynote Speaker James Mapes - April 2nd 10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Walkability Wednesday – Every Wednesday thru April 29th, 12:45 – 1:30 p.m. - Walk, Chat, Lunch
Nominate a Colleague who Makes CSUN Shine - Recogntion of Excellence Awards Deadline April 17th
Experience the Benefits of a Good Walk with 1.5 Alive, Every Friday at Noon