CSUN Human Resources November 2015 Newsletter
Human Resources Newsletter

Veterans' Day, Nov 11th

The University will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 in observance of Veterans' Day. Classes will not be in session and most campus offices will be closed.

Thanksgiving Day Holiday Closure

The University will be closed on Thursday, November 26, and Friday, November 27, 2015 in observance of Thanksgiving Day and Admission Day respectively. Campus will be closed and there will be no instruction through Saturday, November 28th.

Open Enrollment Update

If you submitted forms as part of the annual Open Enrollment period, beginning November 14, 2015 you can view those changes in the portal by changing the date field on those pages to 1/1/2016. Changes made during Open Enrollment will be effective January 1, 2016.

Dec. 31st Pay Warrant Pick-Up

Employees who do not participate in Direct Deposit and want to pick up their pay warrant during the campus closure are required to complete and submit the Pay Warrrant Pick-Up Request form to University Cash Services - Bayramian Hall Room 100 (or Mail Drop 8214) by December 18, 2015. Employees who do not submit this form WILL NOT be able to pick up their pay warrant on December 31, 2015.

Mailing Address & W-2 Forms

W-2s will be issued in January by the State Controller's Office and mailed to the address on record in the CSUN portal as of close of business, Friday December 4, 2015. If your mailing address has changed, please go online today and update your records through the myNorthridge portal. On the Staff page, in the Human Resources/ Employee pagelet, use the link labeled Update My Personal Information to change your address.

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November Sessions and Workshops

November Sessions & Workshops

With approximately 20 sessions and workshops available in November as part of the Professional & Personal Development Program, the following are some that we'd like to highlight for you.

Focus on Student Success

Focus on Employee Success

Highlight on Faculty

11/16/15 & 11/17/15 -
Faculty Development invites new and current faculty to stop by between Noon & 1 pm each day to talk about their assessment strategies (SLO's, Rubrics, & Grading). Contact Faculty Development for more information.

Personal Health & Wellbeing

Don't forget our Early Morning Yoga, Yoga for Faculty & Staff, Lunch Time Expess, or Walkability Wednesdays!

Just for You!

All of these programs are just a sample of what's available to you – just in November! Printable PDF listings of all Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 programming are available here.

Campus Sustainability


Brown is the New Green! is just one of the many ways CSUN is doing its part to be Sustainable. Replacing water thirsty grass in areas throughout campus with drought tolerant and native plants, this initiative will help CSUN reduce its water consumption and maintain a California aesthetic.

Join Jim Logsdon and Ruben Lopez of Physical Plant Management on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm to explore
Sustainable Alternatives to Your Lawn. They'll share how CSUN is doing its part to combat the drought - and what you can do at home.

You can also find out more about what CSUN is doing -and resources available to you, by visiting the CSUN Sustainability Plan page.

Think Safety November Sessions and Workshops

Campus Night Safety Walk

Join Environmental Health & Safety and colleagues from the CSUN community this evening (November 4th) as we walk the campus and brainstorm suggestions on ways to improve the campus' safety. (details)

Rape Agression Defense for Women Series

Police Services provides this four part hands-on training for women with an opportunity to utilized the RAD techniques in a safe, comfortable training environment. (details)

Matador Patrol

With the end of Daylight Savings Time, remember that you don't have to walk alone. Matador Patrol is available to faculty, staff and students from dusk to 11:00 pm. (details)

Dealing with Workplace Violence and Fear or Threats of Violence Workshops

The Fall 2015 sessions of this two part workshop have passed, but several seats are still available for the Spring sessions. Employees must attend part 1 in order to attend part 2. (details)