Example hazard map
A jigsaw lesson where students become experts on different earthquake hazards. Then, experts disperse to mixed teams that must decide about which property to purchase to avoid the most earthquake hazards. This is designed to work with online discussion forums.
Scenario Maps
Video Introduction: Part 1
Video Introduction: Part 2
Professor d'Alesio's video answer key/discussion

Discussion Forum Prompt 1: Discussion for disaster experts

Remember that you are required to post: When you are done here, you will need to post a one-page summary to your teammates that have been studying other resources (in a separate discussion forum -- not here). This forum is the place to sort out what that summary should include with other experts that are all reviewing the same resource on the same topic!

Discussion Forum Prompt 2: One Page Summary of your Hazard

Which parts of the San Fernando Valley and surrounding communities is likely to be impacted most severely by your 'hazard'?
Now that you've had the chance to discuss your 'hazard' with other experts on the subject, you are going to report your findings to a different group of students that have been reading about different hazards. You need to introduce them to your hazard and how it will affect the San Fernando Valley.
You can attach pictures or links, but remember that you are trying to summarize all the information in a concise answer to the question in bold above. Your entry should be about the equivalent of one typewritten page (typically 250 words, but with some pictures). It can be in bullet points, a diagram, etc. Figure out how to communicate the information most effectively to your team!

Discussion Forum Prompt 3: Discuss the real estate

Your team's job is to discuss the pros and cons of each house here. Then, you'll need to come to a team consensus about which house to purchase. There are lots of factors to consider...

Online survey: Which house did you choose?

Even though your team came to a consensus working together, everyone must answer this survey individually to show that you can justify that decision with evidence.
  1. Which house did you choose? A B C D E
  2. Why did your team choose this location?
    A full-credit response for this question will explain:

Culminating Activity: Suggested resources

Read through the suggested resources for your topic. 

  1. Liquefaction
  2. Shaking amplification
  3. Landslides
  4. Fire
  5. Structural Collapse
  6.  Faults
  7. Earthquake probabilities