Student Services Center and EOP Satellite

  • Graduation Pictures

Review Materials

Review videos are now available online. There are also DVD videos available in Oviatt Library, Music and Media Reserve, 2nd floor, East Wing. Read more about Video Review Materials here.

To prepare for the six lower division core exams, you should review the 8-11 key ideas and concepts for each subject area.  To see the list of concepts and review materials, click the review material links below.

DVD's and video cassettes of lectures on the six subjects below are also available in the Oviatt Library.  Go to the Music and Media Reserve, 2nd floor, East Wing.  There are also a number of popular textbooks covering the top ten concepts that have been placed in the Library Reserve Room. Further, you can find tutorials and lecture notes on these topics on the Internet. Use a good search engine such as Google.

Note that all exams will be administered on Canvas.


Audio/Visual Review Materials 

Video review materials are available on line. Use this link. There are also DVD videos available in Oviatt Library, Music and Media   Reserve, 2nd floor, East Wing.