Student Services Center and EOP Satellite

  • Bookstein Hall Su21 Hours

    Dean's Message to Students

  • Commencement_1128x365

    David Nazarian Receives Honorary Doctorate

  • MBA students working together

    Free Business Consulting Services

  • AACSB Recognizes Nazarian College for its "Innovations that Inspire" program.

    Nazarian College Receives AACSB Recognition

Academic Notice

Students are placed on academic notice if either their Total GPA or CSUN GPA falls below 2.00 at the conclusion of any term. Students on academic notice are eligible to enroll in the University through the regular enrollment process but will have a registration hold.   See current unofficial CSUN transcript for GPA totals after Admission and Records audits records each semester, approximately four weeks after final grades are posted. Admissions and Records will notify students of their Academic Notice status at the end of each Fall and Spring semester.

Advisement Process for Students on Academic Notice

Students will have a registration hold during the semester immediately following placement on academic notice and each fall and spring semester thereafter while on notice. It is suggested that students on academic notice complete the Online Academic Notice Workshop.   To schedule an appointment with an advisor, please call 818-677-3537.  The registration hold will be removed once the student has been advised.

ExCEL Academic Success Video

To watch the ExCEL Academic Success Video, click here.

Repeat Policy

To access the Repeat Policy, click here.