California State University Staff/MPP Exit interview Process:

The CSUN exit interview process is designed to solicit candid feedback from departing staff and Administrators as a way of identifying opportunities for improving the employment environment for CSUN staff and Administrators.

Departing employees should be offered the opportunity to complete an exit interview form and discuss it with appropriate management at the unit level.  Alternately, the departing employee may complete the form and send it directly to the Human Resource Office at mail code 8229 or request to meet personally with a member of the Human Resources staff at 818-677-2101. The process can be anonymous and confidential if desired. Exit interview forms should be reviewed at the departmental level and then forwarded to the office of the Associate Vice President Human Resources, mail code 8229, University Hall 170.  This information will be used to identify training needs and developmental programs and acknowledge outstanding staff whom have made a positive difference for departing employees.

The Exit Interview Form is online at: