College of HHD

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  • HHD enhance enrich and empower the human experience shows sequoia trees against the sky
  • students walking along on campus, names of HHD departments superimposed
  • shows hands of interior design students as they draft a project
  • children and teacher interacting
  • dance students performing flying turn

Scholarships in Family & Consumer Sciences

Houman Salem / Argyle Partners Scholarship

Monica RaygozaScholar: Monica Raygoza

Year Awarded: 2016

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences (Apparel Merchandising)

Monica Says: “Thank you Houman Salem for not only giving back to CSUN, but for [also] being an incredible role model [to] me and many others. I have heard Houman speak in panels presented by TRENDS and every time I am more motivated than ever to continue achieving my goals. His humbleness and success are what motivates students like me to continue working hard.”

Career Aspiration: Monica is pursuing apparel merchandising at CSUN because it is her dream to work in the fashion industry. She chose the program at CSUN because she knew she would have the chance to build close relationships with her professors and classmates. Monica is grateful for the financial support she has received from this scholarship and is looking forward to engaging in internships and volunteer opportunities. It is Monica’s goal to one day manage her own showroom. She would also like to give back to her community and be a positive role model to students in the future.

About the Scholarship: Houman Salem is the founder and chief executive officer of ARGYLE Company that has divisions in apparel manufacturing and management consulting, including ARGYLE Partners and ARGYLEHaus.  He is a seasoned business leader in the fashion and apparel industry. Houman graduated from CSUN in 1994 with a degree in History, and earned his MBA from Pepperdine University in 2001. He created this scholarship to help students financially and also extend opportunities to them that would otherwise not be available.

Pastor Herrera Jr. Scholarship

Scholar: UUsman Khansman Khan

Year Awarded: 2016

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences (Consumer Affairs)

Usman Says: “I am truly honored to receive the Pastor Herrera Jr. Scholarship. I am thankful to have been a part of Pastor Herrera’s Internship Seminar last spring where I had the opportunity to work on personal and professional development. Professor Herrera genuinely cares about students – he has taught me a lot. I have found a lifelong mentor, whom I deeply admire and respect. Words cannot sufficiently demonstrate my gratitude.”

Career Aspiration: Usman grew up in Pakistan and migrated with his family as a fourth grader to Los Angeles. In spring 2016, he graduated from CSUN with a focus in consumer affairs and a double minor in marketing and philosophy. During his time at CSUN he held various leadership roles which included serving on the University Student Union Board of Directors as well as a serving as a Peer Financial Mentor in the Family and Consumer Sciences Department. He is currently the Youth Representative on the Canoga Park Neighborhood Council, where he hopes to enhance youth civic engagement and bring awareness to issues concerning the community. Usman will attend a leadership program in Washington, DC this summer called the White House Summit through the Muslim Public Affairs Council. He hopes to expand his professional network and learn about policy making and legislation in the nation’s capital. Usman aspires to attend graduate school in the near future and to build on his passion for the family and consumer sciences and mentor others in the field one day. 

About the Scholarship: Pastor Herrera, Jr. has been an adjunct professor at CSUN since 2011. He has also served on the California State License Board and held multiple positions at the Los Angeles County Department of Consumer Affairs for over 19 years. His most recent position at the Los Angeles County Department of Consumer Affairs was serving as the Director for the Consumer and Business Affairs Department. Pastor understands the importance of giving back and felt that supporting scholarships would make the greatest impact and help students with their finances as they work their way through the family and consumer sciences programs. 

Rosalie Hilger Achievement Scholarship

Scholar: Ann-Marie Pham-Vera Ann-Marie Pham-Vera

Year Awarded: 2016 (Graduate Scholar)

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences (Nutrition & Dietetics)

Ann-Marie Says: “I want to thank Ernie Hilger. Your generosity, through the Rosalie Hilger Achievement Scholarship, represents many positive things to me. Most importantly, it represents that my hard work has been recognized and the time devoted to my academics have paid off. Education is very important to me and this scholarship is a great help towards my tuition, which helps me further my education. Thank you very much.”

Career Aspiration: Ann-Marie was born in Vietnam and moved to the United States when she was seven years old. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and then pursued a graduate program in chemistry. However, after taking some courses in nutrition (a field she has always been interested in) she decided to follow her passion and change to the graduate program in nutrition. Growing up in a developing country taught her a great deal about the important of nutrition. Ann-Marie is currently finishing her thesis on childhood obesity and the gut microbiome. She will graduate in May 2017 with her master’s degree and complete her dietetic internship. She aspires to work as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and plans to pursue a doctorate degree at UCLA next year.


 Amber CorderoScholar: Amber Cordero

Year Awarded: 2016 (Undergraduate Scholar)

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences (Family Studies)

Amber Says: “Receiving this scholarship helped me realize that even if sometimes we think that our goals are unreachable, if you just try and surpass every obstacle life throws at you, you can achieve great things. I am eternally thankful to Mr. Hilger for allowing me to achieve my goals and through them, carry on his wife’s legacy. Just like [Rosalie], I feel I have that same passion for learning and helping others.”

Career Aspiration: Amber was raised in Los Angeles and is the first in her family to go to college. She grew up in an area of Los Angeles where she was exposed to some difficult situations. At one point, her father did not have a job and she and her mother had to work in order to pay the bills. She is currently majoring in family studies because of her interest in understanding how a child’s development can be impacted by their family. Amber would like to utilize the knowledge she is gaining as a student to be a parent in the future who creates a healthy and safe environment for her children. After she graduates, it is her hope to attend a master’s program in college counseling. Amber would love to one day share her passion for leaning with students and become a professor and/or counselor, preferably at CSUN.

 About the Scholarship: This scholarship was made possible by a generous gift from Ernest Hilger, on behalf of the Hilger Family Trust, and in honor of Ernest’s most beloved wife, Rosalie Hilger. Ernest established this scholarship to carry on Rosalie’s legacy, her caring and gentle spirit, and to benefit future generations of students, something that Rosalie was passionate about.

 Rosalie Hilger was an alumna of CSUN’s Family and Consumer Sciences program and served as an adjunct professor at East Los Angeles Community College and Los Angeles Mission College. This scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated a positive life path for themselves and their family and who utilize their own positive energy and education as a way to help them succeed in their chosen profession.  

The Nancy J. and Joseph N. Owens Scholarship in Apparel Design & Merchandising

Scholar: MMonica Raygozaonica Raygoza

Year Awarded: 2016

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences (Apparel Merchandising)

Monica Says: “Knowing that Nancy Owens was highly involved with CSUN and continues to inspire me to get even more involved in my department. To me this scholarship means getting that extra financial help. Thank you to Nancy and Joseph Owens for not only being dedicated volunteers of our department, but for being a motivator for students like myself. You have inspired me to get even more involved on campus and I thank you for that.”

Career Aspiration: Monica is pursuing apparel merchandising at CSUN because it is her dream to work in the fashion industry. She chose the program at CSUN because she knew she would have the chance to build close relationships with her professors and classmates. Monica is grateful for the financial support she has received from this scholarship and is looking forward to engaging in internships and volunteer opportunities. It is Monica’s goal to one day manage her own showroom. She would also like to give back to her community and be a positive role model to students in the future.

About the Scholarship: Nancy Owens taught in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences for 36 years, specializing in apparel design and merchandising. She was highly involved at CSUN and has continued volunteering at the university since her retirement. Nancy and her husband Joe continue to support the university through their scholarship endowments that help students achieve their academic and career goals. This scholarship provides support to a student in the apparel design and merchandising program.

The Nancy J. and Joseph N. Owens Kappa Omicron Nu Scholarship

SElroma Davidcholar: Elroma David

Year Awarded: 2016

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Elroma Says: “I would like to thank Nancy and Joseph Owens for being such great benefactors. Your commitment to supporting the students of Kappa Omicron Nu is evidence that successful people know how to pay it forward.”

Career Aspiration: Elroma has been working full-time while attending school for the last three semesters and he is thankful for the scholarship that will help to ease some of the financial burden of life. His goal is to become a physician’s assistant after finishing with his studies.

About the Scholarship: Nancy Owens taught in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences for 36 years, specializing in apparel design and merchandising. She was highly involved at CSUN and has continued volunteering at the university since her retirement. Nancy served as the university’s chapter advisor for Kappa Omicron Nu, the leading honor society for students in the human sciences. Nancy and her husband Joe have continued to support the society by creating this scholarship for an undergraduate and/or graduate student in the department who meets the academic requirements for membership in Kappa Omicron Nu.

Tungshan “Tom” Chen and Christine “Chris” Smith Scholarship

Esmeralda GalavizScholar: Esmeralda Galaviz

Year Awarded: 2016

Major: Family and Consumer Sciences (Dietetics)

Esmeralda Says: “I am sincerely grateful for the receipt of this scholarship. Thank you! You have given me the opportunity to get a step closer to reaching my goals and I will forever be grateful.”

Career Aspiration: Esmeralda is passionate about the family and consumer sciences discipline because it focuses on families, which is something she values deeply. Her goal is to become a registered dietitian who can address nutrition-related preventable diseases (such as diabetes) by utilizing the family component in the prevention. She also wants to address discrepancies in health outcomes due to language barriers and socio-economic status; barriers she believes should not impede communities from proper nutrition. Esmeralda aspires to provides quality nutrition care to underserved communities as well as become a certified diabetes educator.

 About the Scholarship:  The late Dr.Christine “Chris” Smith was a beloved professor in the Family and Consumer Sciences Department for almost 30 years. She was a co-advisor for the department’s Student Dietetic and Food Science Association for over 20 years and also served as the director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). Chris was instrumental in guiding students into becoming registered dietitians and she remained a large part of the DPD program after her retirement. Dr. Tungshan “Tom” Chen was also a professor in the department and was the founding director of the Marilyn Magaram Center. Dr. Joyce Gilbert, also a professor and former director at the center, set up this scholarship in dedication to the two individuals who were such a large influence on the dietetics and food science programs.