23rd International Symposium on
Graph Drawing & Network Visualization
September 24-26, 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA


Best Paper Awards

In each of the two tracks described in the Call for Papers, the Program Committee made a selection for the Best Paper Award. The award consists of an award certificate and a prize of $250 that the authors will receive at the conference dinner.

Best Paper in Track 1.
M. Balko, J. Cibulka and P. Valtr: Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles.

Best Paper in Track 2.
T. Crnovrsanin, J. Chu and K.-L. Ma: An Incremental Layout Method for Visualizing Online Dynamic Graphs.

Best Presentation Award

The Best Presentation Award recognizes the effort of participants to present their work in a clear and elegant way. The GD 2015 attendees selected the winner by plurality vote.

C. Bowen, S. Durocher, M. Löffler, A. Rounds, A. Schulz and C. D. Tóth: Realization of simply connected polygonal linkages and recognition of unit disk contact trees.

Best Poster Award

The Best Poster Award recognizes the effort of participants in preparing and presenting their posters in a clear and elegant way. The GD 2015 attendees selected the winner by plurality vote.

P. Angelini, G. Da Lozzo, G. Di Battista, F. Frati, M. Patrignani and I. Rutter: On the Relationship between Map Graphs and Clique Planar Graphs.

Graph Drawing Contest Awards

Thanks to our generous sponsors, a prize of $200 has been awarded to the best submission in each of the following four categories:
  • Creative Topics: Graph Classes
    Tamara Mchedlidze (KIT)
  • Creative Topics: Tic Tac Toe
    Jennifer Hood and Pat Morin (Carleton)
  • Live Challenge: Automatic Category
    Team "Pepa." Josef Cibulka (Prague)
  • Live Challenge: Manual Category
    Team "Snowman." Boris Klemz (FU Berlin), Ulf Rüegg (Kiel), and Fabian Lipp (Würzburg)