Budget Planning and Management
Under the leadership of Edith Winterhalter, Associate Vice President (AVP) for Budget and Strategic Business Operations, the Budget Department oversees the budget process for the University. Our involvement includes developing, coordinating, and managing the University’s general operating budget. The Department also provides expertise regarding annual budget development and analysis for the University’s Enterprise Funds, Auxiliaries, and large capital projects.
The Department provides technical expertise and leadership in the development, interpretation, evaluation, and implementation of system-wide and University strategic initiatives. We also provide guidance to the University regarding budget directives, policies, and procedures.
The Department plays an integral role in creating and evaluating financial plans and programs to ensure alignment with the University’s missions, strategies, and financial goals. The Budget Department works collaboratively with campus constituents to promote accountability, adherence to policies, and resolve financial challenges.
The Department personnel participate in various committees and strategic meetings across campus. The AVP chairs the Campus Fee Advisory Committee and serves on the University Student Union board; Departments’ personnel participate in planning meetings with various divisions and offices throughout the year to ensure budget solvency and to ensure that the University’s financial needs are being evaluated.
Mission Statement
The Budget Planning and Management Department’s mission is to:
- Assist the University’s executive leadership in creating the annual budget based on available resources, desired outcomes, and initiatives.
- Provides technical expertise and leadership in the development, interpretation, evaluation, and implementation of system-wide and University strategic initiatives.
- Collaborate with campus constituents to promote accountability, adherence to policies, and ensure budget solvency.