The mild-moderate specialization is committed to the preparation of highly effective educators who utilize research-based practices to address the educational and social needs of students with learning disabilities, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, other health impairment, and serious emotional disturbance; and authorizes service in grades K-12 and in classes organized primarily for adults through age 22. The faculty believes that these educators must be able to provide access to the general education curriculum, through modifications and accommodations, to implement explicit, systematic and intensive instruction, and to collaborate with families and other professionals. Graduates of this program are prepared to meet personnel needs in highly diverse urban settings, promote inclusive education, and engage in ongoing professional development that includes leadership roles in the school and community.
Faculty Advisers in Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Advisers are determined base on the first letter of your last name
A - E: Dr. Beth Lasky. Email:
F - J: Dr. Vanessa Goodwin. Email:
K - O: Dr. Ivor Weiner. Email:
P - T: Dr. Vanessa Goodwin. Email:
U - Z: Dr. Sue Sears. Email:
The following Courses of Study are available for students interested in an Education Specialist Preliminary Credential in Mild/Moderate Disabilities:
Traditional Program Requirements (42 units)
This is a post BA program for candidates in non-teaching or teaching positions interested in flexible scheduling.
Intern Program Requirements (42 units)
This is a post BA two-year Program (including summers) designed for teachers who are eligible for an intern credential and are hired in a cooperating school district.
Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Program Requirements (40 units)
The Accelerated Collaborative Teacher (ACT) Preparation Program is a post BA full time two-semester program, offered collaboratively with District 2 in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Visit the ACT website
Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) Program
Undergraduate program with candidates beginning as freshmen or entering the two-year option as transfer students, earning their credential and bachelor's degree in liberal studies concurrently.