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edTPA Video Support Letter

Spring 2020               

Student Teachers, Interns, and Seminar Leaders,

Please read this important information about the video requirements of the edTPA and FRED.

There are several types of support available:

1) Camera Checkout

The Secondary Education Office has equipment reserved for candidates needing to shoot video for their FRED/edTPA, or for GoReact:

  • 25 video cameras with microphones
  • 2 Sony DCR-DVD cameras with microphones
  • 16 tripods

The equipment may be checked out from the SED Office (ED 1208) between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, with the candidate’s CSUN ID card.  The candidate may keep the equipment for up to 5 days, and is responsible for returning this equipment on time.  The candidate will also be responsible for returning the equipment in working order or will be assessed replacement costs. 

2) edTPA Video Orientation

A Video Orientation session for the Secondary Education Department has been scheduled for:

  • Thursday, April 2, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (ED 2117)

This Orientation Session will explain how to download video and compress it so that it is ready for uploading to Canvas and will offer tips for shooting video. This session is intended to orient the candidate BEFORE beginning the FRED/edTPA assessment, so it is a demonstration, not a hands-on lab.

Additional information explained in the Orientation Session is contained in the following link:

3) Walk-In Emergency Help

Two walk-in lab sessions with assistance available have been scheduled near the due dates for the edTPA and the FRED. Candidates should NOT count on using this last-minute lab as their sole source of video support! The session is intended as EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE for candidates who have attempted to compress and upload their video clips in the hands-on seminar session but are still experiencing technical problems. The sessions will be held on:

  • Tuesday, April 21, 2:00 - 4:00 pm (ED 2115B)
    (primarily for SED 555 candidates intending to submit edTPA by Thursday, April 23)
  • Friday, May 1, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (ED 2115B)
    (primarily for SED 554 candidates submitting their FRED by Monday, May 4)

4) SED edTPA Website

Much information about making the video, including instructions for shooting and converting video for many different models of camcorders, can be found at:


What Not To Do!!

  • Much of the support listed above comes courtesy of the College’s IT Department. We greatly appreciate this extra work they do to help candidates with their edTPA and FRED videos. Unfortunately, the IT Department cannot provide individual assistance to candidates.  Candidates should NOT contact the IT Department directly about matters concerning edTPA or FRED videos, or GoReact. 
  • Candidates should not shoot video in any classroom until they have secured video consent forms from the students.  Candidates should remind their mentor teacher(s) and principal of the need to videotape lessons.  CSUN prefers that candidates use the consent forms found at the link below.

We know that the video can be the most logistically problematic part of the FRED/edTPA/GoReact for many candidates. If candidates take advantage of the support described here, they should be successful.  We wish candidates the best on their edTPA, FRED, and GoReact videos!

David L. Moguel

edTPA Coordinator

Secondary Education Department