Development Training

Smoking Cessation Informational - Now is the Time 11.10.2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Human Resources Training Room, Oviatt Library 16, Garden Level

Facilitated By: Ester Jun, MD, Klotz Student Health Center

Employees for Success


We are now a smoke free campus. Kicking the habit is difficult for some people . The University wants to help. Come to this session to learn about resources available to help you stop smoking and to discuss the process of smoking cessation.

Register for this session in Three Easy Steps:

1.     Visit CSUN's Employee Learning & Training site via the myNorthridge Portal:;

2.     Select the "Instructor Led Training Sessions" link under Upcoming Events, and scroll until you find the name and date of the program;

3.     Select "Actions," and select "Enroll in this Session."

Shortly after you successfully enroll, you’ll receive an email notification. If you click on the calendar icon in the message, your outlook calendar will open allowing you to place the item as an appointment on your calendar.

If you require an accommodation to attend this program, please contact the Human Resources at x 6566 at least 7 business days in advance of the program.

If you are interested in attending this session but unable to because of a conflict in when it is being offered; or have a topic for a suggested workshop or training, please let us know by accessing and completing this FORM.