Development Training

Diamond University Leadership Series: 02.23.2015

Monday, February 23, 2015 - 1:00pm to 2:15pm

Matador Athletics Conference Room


Facilitated by: Greg Moore - Head Coach, Baseball

SportsCenter Vs. Epicenter: How an "inside-out" approach helps focus in the present and achieve important private victories. In this session we will also discuss the value of owning routines and recognizing emotions and how these game winning strategies can be transferred in to your workday!

Register for this event in 4 Easy Steps:

  1. Log into the myNorthridge Portal
  2. Locate the Training/Professional Development pagelet and select the Employee Learning & Training Link
  3. SelectInstructor Led Training Sessions under Upcoming Events,and fin the session you want to attend.
  4. Select Enroll

After you have successfully enrolled, you will receive an email which you can use to automatically book the commitment to your calendar.