
January 18, 2011 - The Times They Are a-Changin'

Conference speakers and panelists considered how CSU Northridge--could best serve the state and nation in the years ahead while maintaining access, quality and affordability in a time of diminishing resources.

Event Opening (Download Transcript)

Jolene Koester

University President, Jolene Koester


Provost, Harry Hellenbrand

PANEL 1: What are the changes and what is the plan? (Download Transcript)

Steven StepanekNorthridge Faculty President, Steven Stepanek (Moderator)

No PhotoDr. Barbara Swerkes (Representing faculty)

Jolene KoesterProfessor Theresa Montano (Representing CFA)

Jolene KoesterCynthia Rawitch (Representing Administration)

PANEL 2: Responding to Change: Visions of the Road Ahead (Download Transcript)

Jolene KoesterDean Robert Bucker

Jolene KoesterDean Elizabeth Say

Jolene KoesterDr. Cheryl Spector

Closing Remarks by Provost Harry Hellenbrand (Download Transcript)