Steps to Completing the Program Review Process
LAUNCH MEETING: Program review is continuous, and repeats in 7-year cycles. Each cycle begins with the Program Review Coordinator inviting Chairs/Directors, self-study authors, and assessment faculty to a launch meeting at the beginning of the 6th year. The launch meeting provides general information regarding the self-study and external review process.
SELF STUDY: Prior to the launch meeting, the program/department selects the self-study author. Guidelines for the self-study can be found in the Self Study Guidelines (.doc). The self-study needs to be approved by the College and signed by the Dean. The department then sends a copy of the self-study to the Program Review Coordinator, who then distributes it to administrators and EPC/GSC representatives involved in the review.
EXTERNAL REVIEW: The Program Review Office schedules the external review date, confirms the reviewers (from a list of potential individuals sent by the program and approved by the Dean), schedules meetings with administrators, and schedules the exit meetings. The Chair schedules all other meetings. External reviewers submit a written report to the Program Review Office approximately 3 weeks after their visit.
MOU - CREATION: The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is drafted by the Program Review Coordinator in consultation with the Vice Provost, and is based on the external reviewers’ report. The draft MOU is circulated to the Chair (who distributes it to faculty), administrators, and EPC/GSC representatives. The Program Review Office schedules the MOU meeting, which is convened by the Vice Provost. The draft MOU is clarified and finalized at this meeting. The final MOU is drafted by the Program Review Coordinator based on this meeting's results.
MOU DISTRIBUTION: (CLOSURE OF SEVEN-YEAR REVIEW CYCLE): Once approved by all parties present at the MOU meeting, the MOU is signed by the Vice Provost. The Program Review Coordinator then sends it all attendees of the MOU meeting, and the Vice Provost then sends it to the President.
- IMPLEMENTATION OF MOU: The Department/Program implements recommendations from the MOU. The MOU is reviewed annually by the faculty to evaluate their progress in implementing the recommendations and maintaining or strengthening the areas of commendation. The interaction part of the cycle begins again six years after the MOU is finalized, with a return to step 1, the Launch Meeting.
For a more detailed explanation of the program review process, please read the
Program-Review-Procedures document.