Accounting and Information Systems

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    Alumnus Inducted into Accounting Hall of Fame

  • Accounting and IS Faculty and Staff

    Accounting Faculty and Staff

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Welcome to the Department of Accounting

Fall 2024 Registration:

If the class that you are trying to register for shows full/closed, please request a permission number at and upload your DPR (Degree Progress Report) with your requests.

ACCT 542 Enrollment: Introduction to Federal Tax Procedure:

ACCT 542 provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate accounting students to learn about federal tax procedures through a service-learning experience in our community. This course fulfills your requirements for an upper-division accounting elective. As part of the seminar and under the supervision of a faculty-practitioner, you will be representing taxpayers in front of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to help solve any tax disputes or controversies. 
Space in ACCT 542 is limited. Therefore, students interested in enrolling in ACCT 542 must submit an application along with a resume and a DPR along with application using this link. While students are urged to submit their application by the priority deadline (October 15th for the spring semester and March 15th for the fall semester), applications will be accepted until the class is full. Successful applicants must demonstrate that they have successfully completed ACCT 440 or are currently enrolled in ACCT 440.  Given the limited space available in ACCT 542 each semester, priority consideration will be given to students with some tax work experience, such as participation in VITA or completion of a tax internship. Students with no tax work experience are welcome to apply but will be admitted to the class based on availability.  Competitive applicants will be invited for an interview. Following the interview students will be notified whether they are admitted to enroll in the course. 

The Department of Accounting is currently open for in-person service          Monday - Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm. 

For updated information regarding COVID-19, please visit

Dr. Rishma Vedd's Office hours are Wednesdays via Zoom. To confirm a time slot, please email Dr. Vedd at and include your degree progress report. She will send you the Zoom meeting information.

Accounting tutoring:

300-Level Upper Division Business Core Registration Assistance

Lower Division Business Core Registration Assistance

Department of Accounting 

The Department offers a number of academic degree programs: a B.S. in Accountancy,  a B.S. in Information Systems, a Minor in Information Systems, a Masters in Professional Accountancy (MPAcc), and a Masters in Science in Taxation (MST).

A Career in Accounting

The accounting program provides educational opportunities to those students who have demonstrated an aptitude to pursue a career in accounting. The Accountancy program is a very demanding, competitive, and rigorous course of study that develops an understanding of accounting theory, technical procedures, and the professional standards and ethics essential to becoming a successful professional in public, industry, government, and not-for-profit accounting. The program also develops skills in critical thinking, problem solving, written and oral communication, and decision making, in addition to developing the necessary tools to engage in lifelong learning after graduation.

The field of accounting offers stimulating and challenging work that is constantly evolving. Career opportunities are available in public accounting, industry, government, not-for-profit institutions, and other business-related organizations.

ACCT 498A:  EY Leadership Seminar:

Activate your Leadership Potential, by joining our “EY Leadership Program” offer by EY professionals. The EY leadership seminar provides frameworks to refine your personal leadership purpose, skills to face workplace challenges, such as courageous conversations, global mindsets, personal branding, the power of storytelling, leading teams, virtual teaming, modeling ethical behavior and dealing with complexity.

The Leadership Seminars guide you through activities and exercises that help you understand your values and natural leadership talent, thus building your ability to lead yourself and others.  

 The seminar (ACCT 498A) is one unit course, scheduled to meet (virtual) on Thursdays from 5.00 pm to 6.30 pm.

To request for permission number go to: link below and request for permission no. 

Make sure you upload your current DPR in pdf format