Answer these questions in order. Leave pages for the ones you skip if you jump around so that I don't have to search for the questions since I grade all number 1, then all number 2, etc. Place your name only on the front since I don't want to know whose paper I am grading. For 14 points you need more than a couple sentences. You need at least two medium sized paragraphs. You do not need to rewrite the question. Carefully budget your time to 8 min per question. Answer only A or B of each. Always give examples. Clearly show which part of the question you are answering. If you don’t understand something- ask!


  1. A.How can cytoskeleton be a dynamic structure and yet we get orderly arrays of cytoskeletal elements as compared to random arrays?

B. Describe the differences between  a "motor" for vesicular transport along microtubules in the cytoplasm and the mechanism of ciliary motion

2. A.  Distinguish between cell cycle components in S or G1 and at mitosis.

B.     How do hormones and other factors start and stop the meiosis cell cycle.

3A. Discuss how favorable a reaction is when: (any two)

            a. the entropy has a negative sign

            b. the change in internal energy has a negative sign

            c. the entropy has a positive sign

            d. the change in free energy is positive

   B.  How can active sites of enzymes be effected by: any two-give examples

            a. allosteric phosphorylation

            b. pH

            c. proximity to equilibrium

            d. amount product

            e. ATP

4A. Discuss the importance of ATP produced for kinds of cellular work from any 2on list

            a. glycolysis

            b. citric acid cycle substrate level

            c. electron transport system phosphorylation

            d. photosystem II

            e. NADH coming into mitochondria from the cytoplasm

B.     Compare photosynthesis and glucose oxidation. Discuss how they are not  exact opposite of the other in terms of components, reactants, products?

            I want more than 2 formulae here!

5A. How is control of contraction different in striated and smooth muscle?

B. Describe the function of the various sarcomere components.

6A. Discuss differences in processes and results involving two types of microtubules in the spindle during division.

B. Discuss major structural factors that insure equal chromosome division and

change between processes of early cell division (prophase, metaphase) and later stages.

7A. Discuss an important control point in glucose metabolism and the factors involved in the control.

B. How can glucose oxidation be speeded up 100 times faster in muscles at work?