PREPARATION AND MATERIALS PER GROUP OF FOUR STUDENTS:two sea urchins, syringe, 2 small beakers (50 ml), filtered sea water, ph 5,7,8 sea water, CA++Mg++free sea water, hand centrifuge, container of ice.

    THIS INVESTIGATION REQUIRES:      SLIDES and coverslips      ANIMALS:sea urchins (Echinodermata)      UTENSILS:50 ml beakers, syringe and needle for injection of sea urchins, centrifuge tubes, pipettes, petri plates.




OBJECTIVES: to see sperm movement, attachment to egg, lifting away of fertilization membrane from surface of egg, first cleavage and to investigate mechanisms involved.         


REQUIRED TASKS: fertilize eggs, observe fertilization membrane lifting off the surface of egg.




 PROCEDURES:    In this section you will determine the relationship between eggs and sperm and correct environmental conditions required for normal fertilization, fertilization membrane formation, and first cleavage   LABEL ALL DISHES OF EGG FERTILIZED WITH THE TIME OF SPERM ADDITION, AND ANY VARIABLE CONDITION. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN UNTREATED CONTROL WHICH HAS NO SPERM ADDED, IF THAT IS REQUIRED IN YOUR EXPERIMENT.



1)      1.inject two sea urchins with 1 cc of .55 M KCl and then give them a good shake and wait to see what sex they are: the gametes come out five gonopores at the aboral surface (opposite the oral surface where the mouth is) if the gametes are white, it is sperm and should be shed by turning the male upside down in a petri dish placed on ice; if the gametes are yellow, it is a female and the eggs should be shed into filtered sea water (pH 8) by inverting them over a beaker full of sea water. The beaker should be of smaller diameter than the sea urchin so that it won't fall in. Keep injecting until you get both sexes, after appropriate waits to see what the next one is. You can trade with other groups, also.

   ALWAYS KEEP THE EGGS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND THE SPERM ON ICE This means use room temperature sea water in all egg treatments and at fertilization. If it is cold, warm it by setting it in a pan of warm water.  Give another 1 cc injection when egg spawning slows down, then leave the female to complete the spawning for about ten more minutes. In the meantime, design your experiments and label your dishes.


The release of calcium from cytoplasmic stores and the entry of calcium from the sea water increase the content of calcium in both sperm and eggs which signals them to secrete. In the case of the sperm, it is the acrosome reaction. In the case of eggs it is the cortical reaction of cortical granules. The changes are in response to sperm-egg interaction at receptors on the surface of the sperm and eggs which produce second messengers, and in response to electrical changes in membrane potential which open voltage regulated ion channels. To test for which ones are working at fertilization, we can add drugs to the sperm or the eggs to pretreat them before they interact.

CALCIUM CHANNEL DRUGS: these drugs lead to polyspermy since they prevent lifting of fertilization membrane.


McCulloh, DH, Ivonnet, PI, Landowne, D, Chambers, EL 2000. Calcium entry mediates the voltage dependence of sperm entry into sea urchin eggs Devel. Biol 223:449-62. They used

2 ul dry sperm per 40 ml SW


All drugs were dissolved in DMSO  at concentrations that when diluted with SW, DMSO not more than .125%

Organic. They all promote sperm entry when eggs clamped at neg voltage- they relieve the block to sperm entry by blocking Ca entry and therefore the cortical reaction of eggs.

VERAPAMIL- phenylalkylamine.. 10 and 50 uM

Diltiazem-benzothiazipine  50 uM

Nifedipine-dihydropyridine  30 uM

Nimodipine –dihydropyridine  50 uM


Inorganic blockers- made up in sulfate-free SW also promote sperm entry on neg clamped eggs

Cd++ 100 uM



Blocker of Ca release from endoplasmic reticulum:

want to check for ruthenium red block of cortical reaction and acrosome reaction by sperm due to block of IP3 receptor which is a calcium channel in ER.



CALCIUM IONOPHORE a23187 is a calcium channel  open in membrane which allows the acrosomal reaction without contact with egg jelly  and cortical reaction without sperm- artificial activation.


Platelet Activating factor (PAF) also causes the acrosomal reaction and cortical reaction without sperm through its receptor and second messenger system.


The following is a layout of an experiment to study the effects of one of the drugs:


Incubate sperm with drug or DMSO for 2min before add other

Preinc for 2 min




Add after 2 min drug



Add after 2 min drug


Sperm alone

Ruthenium red- want 50 uM final use o.5 mM in sea water



Final 50 uM

DMSO .2%

PAF 2 mM- 100 uM final





Jelly from eggs








50 ul




drug nojell






50 ul








2 ul


50 ul










50 ul










50 ul










50 ul





50 ul





50 ul










50 ul










50 ul








2 ul


50 ul




Ruth paf

50 ul




5 ul

50 ul





Eggs plus sperm




Ruthenium red- want 5 uM final use o.5 mM



Final 50uM

Use 5 mM

DMSO .2%

PAF 2 mM- 10 uM final













50 ul










50 ul








2 ul


50 ul





50 ul





50 ul




Eggs alone




Ruthenium red- want 50 uM final use o.5 mM





use 5 mM

DMSO .2%

PAF 2 mM- 10 uM final







Paf ruth

50 ul




5 ul





























2 ul


























2)       After spawning is complete pour off the sea water into another beaker, so you don't lose your eggs by mistake. Pour the remainder into a centrifuge tube and spin 15 rotations on the hand centrifuge (make sure you have a balance tube opposite.) REMOVAL OF EGGS FROM THE CENTRIFUGE TUBES CAN DAMAGE THEM UNLESS IT IS DONE CORRECTLY! Always pour some fluid over the eggs, then using a pasteur pipette with a rubber bulb, fill the pipette with fluid from the top of the tube, then gently force the fluid out into the bottom of the tube to stir the eggs. Do not let air bubbles do the stirring, and don't create air bubbles or suck the eggs up into the pipette and then back out‑ it homogenizes them.


Removal of jelly: Add 25 ml PH5 sea water to empty the eggs from the tube into the beaker, and allow it to stand for three minutes before adding .5 ml 1 M tris pH 8 to raise the pH rapidly. (the pH 5 treatment removes the egg jelly, but prolonged treatment leads to damage to the eggs.) Now we must remove the dissolved egg jelly by washing the eggs. So do centrifugations as above, SAVING THE FIRST SUPERNATE, LABEL IT JELLY, and wash the eggs with a tube full of sea water pH 8, 2 times, suspending the eggs each time as above.

3)      Now we have our eggs prepared for the experiment. Sperm are much more delicate than the eggs, so they must be kept undiluted in ice (the seminal fluid has substances in it to keep the sperm inactive  and the ice also helps to do that.) They must be diluted prior to their addition to the eggs, or we get polyspermy and abnormal cleavage. Add one drop of concentrated sperm to 10 cc of sea water in a graduated cylinder, stir to disperse evenly. This diluted sperm suspension will only last for 20 minutes, so do it right before you need it, and keep it in the ice bath.  Prepare a slide with a drop of eggs, have it set up on a microscope prior to seprm addition adjusting the light the eggs on the slide easily visible. Add a drop of the sperm, slam the cover slip on the slide and place under the low power objective and observe fertilization. If you don't get fertilization try it again with  another batch of sperm from someone who found good fertilization. Then proceed to fertilize your aliquots of eggs.      

4)      Do as many of the experiments as you can, but ask some other groups to do drugs you didn’t and then look at their results too.

5)      Fertilization: ADD DILUTED SPERM TO mini-tubes as in table above with SEA WATER and EGGS. Observe, using dissection microscope and dark field (obtained by putting mirror on its side until field appears black and eggs appear white)  or compound microscope. The fertilization membrane is formed by a lifting away of the vitelline membrane, and an addition of material to it from the ruptured and released contents of the cortical granules.   Look at the number of sperm around one egg, record for a few eggs. Observe and record the sperm shape and size compared to the egg, movement of the flagellum.        For polyspermy, use a dish of eggs with one of the calcium channel drugs. Check the effect on cleavage, as compared to the control. 

6)        Test the effect of pH on fertilization. Fertilize a DISH of eggs in the same manner, but use pH 5 sea water in one dish, pH 7 in another. Record the % fertilization membranes formed after 1 min, 5 min. What is your control? 

     IF YOU ARE GOING TO CULTURE THE EMBRYOS TO LATER STAGES, DECANT OFF THE SPERM LADEN SEA WATER ATER THEY SETTLE, AND POUR A SHALLOW LAYER INTO PYREX BAKING DISHES AND INCUBATE THEM AT 15 DEGREES C FOR ANYTHING PAST THE 2 CELL STAGE OR THE CLEAVAGES WILL NOT BE SYNCHRONOUS. IT TAKES ABOUT 1 1/2 HRS TO GET TO THE FIRST CLEAVAGE. KEEP CHECKING TO SEE IF YOU CAN SEE THE MITOTIC APPARATUS DEVELOPING. The fertilization membrane is formed by a lifting away of the vitelline membrane, and an addition of material to it from the ruptured and released contents of the cortical granules.   Look at the number of sperm around one egg, record for a few eggs. Observe and record the sperm shape and size compared to the egg, movement of the flagellum. What is your control? Why is the lifting of the fertilization membrane a good indication that a sperm has penetrated the egg?

     If you are going to culture the embryos to later stages, decant off the sperm laden sea water after they settle, and pour a shallow layer into pyrex baking dishes and incubate them at 15 degrees c for anything past the 2 cell stage or the cleavages will not be synchronous. It  takes about 1 1/2 hrs to get to the first cleavage. Keep checking to see if you can see the mitotic apparatus developing.

     Keep in mind that we have two sets of factors working in fertilization: 1) the activation of the sperm acrosome reaction, polymerization of actin filament 2) activation of egg and cortical reaction. Try to figure out which require Ca++ release and which require a pH change. Calcium ionophore and NH4 can be used to answer these questions.


reference-Nucciteli: How do sperm activate eggs? Current topics in developmental biology vol 25. Chapter 1. 1991.

1)      EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON FERTILIZATION. Fertilize a dish of eggs that has been sitting on ice for ten minutes. Compare the percent fertilization after and 5 min. with the control.  .UL EFFECT OF CA++ ON FERTILIZATION. Fertilize a dish of eggs using Ca++Mg++free sea water instead of regular sea water. Compare the results with the control.



2)      EFFECT OF ‑SH REAGENTS ON VITELLINE MEMBRANE AND FERTILIZATION MEMBRANE. treat the eggs with DTT or glutathione prior to fertilization, and check them after addition of sperm.



1. Epel, D., AM Weaver, D. Mazia. 1970. Exp cell res 61:64-68.  Methods for removal of the vitelline membrane of sea urchin eggs. I. Use of Dithiothreitol (Cleland Reagent.)



Incubate unfertilized S. purp or L. Pictus or Dendraster excentricus in 5 mM DTT at pH 8.0. Releases jelly, and vitelline m and accessory cells of starfish. 5 min to remove jelly and VM. pH very important. higher pH (9.2) requires 1/2 the time.


2. BM Shapiro. 1981. Awakening of the invertebrate egg at fertilization. In Fertilization and embryonic development in vitro. Eds. L Mastroianni, Jr. and JD Biggers. Plenum Press, NY. pp233-255.



used 3 amino-1,2,4-triazole to inhibit ovoperoxidase activity, FM remains soft and can be removed anytime (Showman and Foerder, 1979:Exp Cell Res. 120:253-255. Removal of the fertilization membrane of sea urchin embryos employing aminotriazole.)


3. SG Ernst, BR Hough-Evans, RJ Britten, and EH Davidson. 1980. Limited complexity of the RNA in micromeres of sixteen-cell sea urchin embryos. Devel. Biol. 79:119-127.


fert at 5x10 E5 eggs/ml add equal vol of following after membrane elevates (about 90 sec):freshly prepared .08% papain, .40%glutathione, pH 7.8, swirl gently and look until membranes begin to disappear 90-120 sec later. After 7-9 min dilute to 1-3x10 E4.



4. RO Hynes and PR Gross. 1970. A method for separating cells from early sea urchin embryos. Devel. Biol. 21:383-402.


fert eggs in 0.04% papain, .2% cysteine, sea water, pH 7.8. Make fresh daily. Keep eggs suspended 4-5 min, spin down gently, remove supernate, wash 2x with filtered SW


What do these methods tell us about how the vitelline membrane is held on the egg and what happens at fertilization to lift it off as the fertilization membrane?




Mary Lee Sparling, Biology Dept Jan, 2001


Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a choline phospholipid similar to phosphatidyl-choline, a membrane lipid, but having an acetyl group on its second carbon instead of a long acyl hydrocarbon chain. It causes secretion of materials stored in secretory granules in many kinds of cells (blood platelets, neurons, immune cells, and follicle cells) and causes the acrosome reaction of sperm. The effect of PAF is due to a PAF-receptor which when occupied can cause activation of many enzymes producing lipid second messengers or lipid substrates. PAF is a very ancient and important lipid signal in reproduction and may aid gamete union as well as prevent apoptosis of egg and sperm once they are united since PAF Receptor can activate PLA, PLC, PLD, PI3K, GTPase,  Ca++ channel, and PKC.  Production of PIP2 by PI3K or activation of PKC, to phosphorylate many cell proteins, prevents apoptosis. PAF is produced after fertilization by sea urchin egg homogenates and after stimulation of meiosis in starfish egg homogenates. It is considered an autocoid, or substance that when secreted can cause changes to the cell that produced it. Fluorescent PAF and other related lipids (LPAF, PC, PE) were applied to eggs to see where they go. The effect of PAF does not seem to require entry into the cell. Application of 5X10-4 M PAF caused secretion of the cortical granules which usually only occurs in eggs which have been fertilized. A similar activation of secretion can be caused by calcium ionophore A23187 which also activates the enzyme pathway which synthesizes PAF. Normal PAF production at the time of fertilization may be the cause of the secretion of the acrosome by sperm and the cortical reaction in normal eggs,  and a part of the program for activation of cell division and differentiation.



Database: MEDLINE

             Author(s): Brandriff B ; Hinegardner RI ; Steinhardt R

                 Title: Development and life cycle of the parthenogenetically activated sea urchin embryo.

                Source: J Exp Zool (JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY) 1975

                        Apr; 192 (1): 13-24 Journal Code: I47

              Abstract: A method is reported for inducing parthenogenetic development in eggs of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus, a species which previously could not be artificially activated. NH4OH or the calcium   ionophore A23187 are used as activating agents   followed by hypertonic treatment. The ionophore is  superior in activating large numbers of  unfertilized eggs, whereas NH4OH produces a larger  percent of embryos able to undergo gastrulation.   Both feeding larvae and urchins arising from these   artificially activated eggs are diploid. All  individuals in which sex has been identified have

  been female. The viability of these completely  homozygous organisms is low compared to their

  fertilized counterparts.

·        Author(s): Kamata Y ; Mita M ; Fujiwara A ; Tojo T ; Takano

                        J ; Ide A ; Yasumasu I

                        Address: Department of Biology, School of

                        Education, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

                 Title: Probable participation of phospholipase A2 reaction in the process of fertilization-induced activation  of sea urchin eggs.

                Source: Dev Growth Differ (DEVELOPMENT GROWTH AND

                        DIFFERENTIATION) 1997 Aug; 39 (4): 419-28 Journal

              Abstract: In sea urchin eggs activated by sperm, A23187 or melittin, BPB (4-bromophenacyl bromide, a phospholipase A2 inhibitor) blocked fertilization  envelope formation and transient CN(-)-insensitive    respiration in a concentration-dependent manner.   BPB had virtually no effect on the increase in [Ca2+]i (cytosolic Ca2+ level), the activity of   phosphorylase a and the rate of protein synthesis,   as well as acid production and augmentation of    CN(-)-sensitive respiration. BPB also inhibited  fertilization envelope formation and augmentation  of CN(-)-insensitive respiration induced by

  melittin. Melittin, known to be an activator of  phospholipase A2, induced the envelope formation,

 acid production, augmentation of CN(-)-insensitive   and sensitive respiration, but did not cause any

 increase in [Ca2+]i, the phosphorylase a activity   and the rate of protein synthesis. An activation of

phospholipase A2 induced by Ca2+ or melittin seems   to result in cortical vesicle discharge and

production of fatty acids, which are to be utilized  in CN(-)-insensitive lipid peroxidase reactions.

  Activation of other examined cell functions in eggs activated by sperm or A23187, probably results from  Ca(2+)-triggered sequential reactions other than  Ca(2+)-caused activation of phospholipase A2.


             Author(s): Elhai J ; Scandella CJ

                 Title: Arachidonic acid and other fatty acids inhibit  secretion from sea urchin eggs.

                Source: Exp Cell Res (EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH) 1983 Oct;

                        148 (1): 63-71 Journal Code: EPB

              Abstract: Massive secretion at the egg surface follows fertilization of sea urchin eggs or parthenogenetic  activation by the calcium ionophore A23187. The  secretory products are used to construct the  fertilization envelope around the egg. Arachidonic  acid prevents the raising of the fertilization    envelope induced by either sperm or A23187. We  developed a secretion assay based on the ability of A23187 to raise fertilization envelopes from the surface of unfertilized eggs. Arachidonate delays the onset of this reaction in a dose-dependent  fashion. 5 microM arachidonate produces a two-fold   delay in the standard assay. In contrast, the  propagation of secretion over the surface of the

  egg is unaffected at all concentrations that have  been tested. Some closely related fatty acids (e.g.

11, 14, 17 C20:3 and linoleate, 9, 12 C18:2) share  with arachidonate the ability to inhibit secretion,                     whereas others (e.g., 8, 11, 14 C20:3 and  linolenate, 9, 12, 15 C18:3) do not. The results  are not easily reconciled with a cyclooxygenase- or a lipoxygenase-mediated action. Despite the   sensitivity of this phenomenon to small changes in  fatty acid structure, it is suggested that the  fatty acids exert their effect by altering the structure or dynamics of the membrane lipid  bilayer.

              Database: MEDLINE

·        Author(s): Chambers EL ; Hinkley RE

                 Title: Non-propagated cortical reactions induced by the    divalent ionophore A23187 in eggs of the sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus.

                Source: Exp Cell Res (EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH) 1979 Dec;

                        124 (2): 441-6 Journal Code: EPB

Both of these experiments described in Foerder et al Proc Natl Acad Sci 75:3183-87.1978.



This assay will take advantage of the transphosphatidylation by the enzyme, taking choline off PC and putting the ethanol on it as a head group. The Ptd Eth can be detected on TLC. REFERENCES: D. Zoukhri, DA Dartt. 1995. Cholinergic activation of PLD in lacrimal gland acini is independent of PKC and calcium. Am. J Physiol 269 (3 pt1);c713-20.

Ella, KM, Dolan, JW, Meier, KE. 1995. Characterization of a regulated form of PLD in the yeast S. Cerevisiae. Biochem. J. 307;799-805.


Change in phospholipases at fertilization of sea urchin eggs.

NEED: SEA URCHIN EGGS AND SPERM,   If continuing from the previous fertilization lab start at the ***#4 below

            SEA WATER, pH 8,

            HOMOGENIZING MEDIUM:(100 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 1 mM ATP, 10 mM benzamidine, 25 mM tris Cl pH 9.6), (Need 50 ml)


            DETERGENT- octylglucoside

            PLD reaction mix: (one with and and one without 2% ethanol)

                        150 mM NaCl

                        25 mM HEPES pH 7

                        5 mM EDTA

                        1 MM EGTA

                        1 mM DTT

                        10 mM substrate such as PC sonified in 200uM octylglucoside (make 10x, 2 ml) (Triton-x inhibits enzyme, as does freezing)

                        ethanol or not

Each group needs 4 ml. (20 ml total of solution.)

            1. shed sea urchin gametes into sea water by .6M KCl (in class had 15 ml eggs. treat with pH 5 3 min, adjust to pH 8 with tris, settle, then add new sea water so each group has 15 ml diluted eggs.) Take out 30 ml for unfert with and without Ca++.

            2. fertilize the rest, (add .1 ml diluted sperm per 10 ml) check to see if membrane lift away, place on ice at a timed interval, like 5 min to stop development after

            3. spin 15 ml in hand centrifuge to pellet eggs, measure volume ( about 1.5 ml each),

            ****4.homogenize both unfert and fert batches using 10 ml homog medium, keep cold. spin 20,000 rpm 10 min to get the membrane pellet. 

            5. place each pellet (fert and unfert) in 2 ml PLD reaction mixture and homogenize. KEEP COLD.

REACTION:prepare in a small eppendorf tube:

40 ul resuspended pellet with phospholipases

                        2ul fluorescent PAF in detergent

                        2 ul ethanol (add last)

                        add additional things like 1 ul Ca++      

This will make a fluorescent assay possible.      

So have a control with only  Plipase, PAF,        place in tube,label well CONTROL. You should have one for the unfert, one for the fert.; place a control with Plipase, PAF, ethanol in a different tube and mark ETHANOL, one for fert, one for unfert, and an experimental with Ca++, Plipase, PAF, ethanol in a different tube for both fert and unfert, mark Ca++. Now warm them up!

            7. Incub in white incubator for 20-30 min at 35 degrees.



place 5 ul of sample on G60 silica gel plates (no Fluor marker)

Develop plate: chlor:meth:water/aCETIC ACID (45;45:10;1